The core of the exhibition industry’s competition lies in itself, as well as a reflection of the detailed strength of the exhibition industry. With the development of the exhibition industry both at home and abroad, competition between exhibition industry, the pressure and the challenges will increase. The strategy which makes the Dongguan exhibition industry lie in the position of undefeated in the coming development and competition is to strengthen the capability of the Dongguan exhibition毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ industry in Hongkong, Shanghai and Guangzhou and the use of reference of the advanced experience from the famous exhibition industry abroad such as out-of-order of holding of the exhibitions, the jumble of brands, the shortage of exhibitors, the poor management of the exhibition, the lack of information. According with the above problem, the article presents a policy of strengthening the programming and dispose of the city, improving the management and service, exerting a strategy of brands, accelerate the speed of informationization and marketization, establishing a long-term and effective strategy, encourages the cooperation of the exhibition industry between Dongguan, Hongkong and foreign countries for Dongguan. I will describe as follows.
At first, I provide an overview of domestic and international trade exhibitions profile and highlight the Dongguan Exhibition Industry Overview.
The second, I explain in detail the Dongguan Exhibition Industry competitive shortcomings.
Then, I discuss the cause of the weakness of Dongguan Exhibition industry’s competitiveness.
Finally, I propose some advice to enhance the Dongguan Exhibition Industry’s competitiveness.
Keywords:Dongguan Exhibition Industry,Competitiveness,Services,Talents
目 录
1 绪论.........1
1.1 题目背景及目的...1
1.2 国内外研究状况...2
1.3 题目研究方法.......3
1.4 论文构成及研究内容..................3
2 会展业的概况................5
2.1 国外会展业的概况......................5
2.1.1 注重专业化的德国会展业....................5
2.1.2 注重信息化的英国会展业....................5
2.1.3 注重服务高质量化的法国会展业........6
2.1.4 注重市场化的新加坡会展业................7
2.2 国内会展业的概况......................7
2.2.1 香港会展业.....................8
2.2.2 北京会展业.....................8
2.2.3 上海会展业.....................8
2.2.4 广州会展业.....................9
2.3 东莞会展业的概况......................9
2. 3.1 东莞会展业的特色......10
2.3.2 东莞会展业取得的辉煌成绩..............11
2.3.3 东莞会展业辉煌成绩背后存在的问题.....................13
3 东莞会展业竞争力不足之处.............14
3.1 会展举办无序和缺乏统一安排14
3.2 会展资源整合不足且浪费严重15
3.3 会展品牌混杂品牌知名度参差不齐...............15
3.4 会展人才匮乏.....15
3.5 会展管理服务质量水平不高....16
3.6 会展国际化水平各异................17
3.7 信息化建设步伐落后................17
4 东莞会展业竞争力不足的分析.........19
4.1 缺乏合作且恶性竞争................19
4.2 缺乏增强竞争力的战略意识....19
5 增强东莞会展业竞争力的策略.........20
5.1 增强东莞会展业竞争力的可能性...................20
5.1.1 酒店业的服务水平和密度走在我国的前列.............20
5.1.2 金融业覆盖面广和专业水平高..........20
5.1.3 信息物流服务业和交通的迅速发展..21
5.1.4 东莞政府的大力支持...21
5.2 增强东莞会展业的竞争力的策略...................22
5.2.1 加强全市统一规划和统一部署..........22
5.2.2 提高东莞会展业的管理服务水平......22
5.2.3 运用品牌战略来发展东莞会展业......23
5.2.4 提高信息化和市场化...23
5.2.5 制定长远科学有效的会展业发展战略.....................24
5.2.6 鼓励莞港和其他国内外会展业合资合作.................24
5.2.7 成立展览业协会由行业协会牵头......24
5.2.8 培训引进和留住人才...25
5.2.9 优化与展览配套的相关“软件”......26
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