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我国钢铁产业海外原料战略研究 第2页

更新时间:2010-7-19:  来源:毕业论文
我国钢铁产业海外原料战略研究 第2页
关键词:我国钢铁产业 铁矿石谈判 贸易 价格 战略对策
the Strategic Research for Oversea Raw Material of China's Steel and Iron Industry
In recent years, due to China’s repeated increasing price on iron ore during the negotiations, Chinese steel industry is facing the increasing pressure. On 2010 iron ore negotiations, the seller used the price increased with 100% as a condition to make China resigned to accept it. China, as the largest market, is facing the midway ore seller near-monopoly situation本文来自辣#文|论^文|网front of the urgent needs .This essay analyzed the supply and demand situation of buyers and sellers of the world steel industry (raw materials), the status of steel industry in China nowadays imports of raw materials production and the importance of research and summarize. At the same time, this essay analyzed the pretty pas毕业论文http://www.751com.cn  s for China's steel industry faces and lessons learned. Of raw materials overseas, with our steel industry ideas and methods, and the corresponding strategic responses and suggestions.
Key words: Chinese steel industry  Iron ore negotiations  Trade  Price  Strategy countermeasure
目  录
摘要 I
1前言 1
2钢铁产业原料供应现状分析 2
2.1国外买方的基本概况 2
2.1.1日本 2
2.1.2欧洲 2
2.1.3韩国 2
2.2卖方的基本概况 3
2.2.1世界铁矿分布和储量 3
2.2.2世界铁矿生产 4
2.2.3铁矿石出口国和卖方的简介 5
2.2.4卖方铁矿石谈判立场 7
3中国钢铁产业现状 8
3.1钢铁产业与中国经济的关系 8
3.2中国钢铁产业的原料开发情况 9
3.2.1中国铁矿石产量情况 9
3.2.2我国自产铁矿石满足本国钢铁生产需求的情况 9
3.3中国进口铁矿石情况 10
4中国钢铁产业面临困境的原因和经验教训分析 11
4.1中方在铁矿石谈判中节节败退 11
4.2中国钢铁产业面临原料供给困境的原因 12
4.2.1中国经济结构不完善,导致企业盲目投资 12
4.2.2多头谈判导致中国在铁矿石贸易中没有定价权 13
4.2.3涨价预期导致中国铁矿石进口无序 14
4.3根本原因:中国钢铁产业海外原料进口依赖程度过高和增长速度过快 15
5中国钢铁产业海外原料的对策建议 16
5.1转变发展方式促进钢铁产业健康发展 16
5.2关停能耗高的中小企业,调整钢铁产业结构,实现“低碳”从而减少对外依赖度 17
5.3统一钢铁进口市场,策略应改变 18
5.4中国钢企要积极投资海外铁矿石生产企业 18
5.5通过法律手段去整治国内钢铁市场和文护我国钢铁市场 19
6结论 20
参考文献 21
谢辞 22

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