关键词:服务外包产业 综合环境 核心技术产业 人才储备 政策支持
An Assessment of the Competitiveness of Guangdong Province for Attracting Services Outsourcing
With the rapid development of economic globalization and the upgrade of international industrial structure, the offshore service outsourcing has become a significant tendency of modernization and globalization in the world service industry. In Guangdong Province, the service outsourcing industry has improved rapidly in this new adjustment of industrial structure. Implementing export-oriented and economic internationalization strategy, Guangdong Province, which has made tremendous effort to adjust and optimize the foreign trade as well as economic structure, enhanced the quality of foreign trade and毕业论文 outsourcing industry in this province increases quickly. Nevertheless, the local service outsourcing industry not only faces the fierce competition from foreign countries, but also from other outsourcing cities in China. This paper discusses the competitive strength of Guangdong Province in service outsourcing industry, analyzes the principal factors that impact the improvement of local service outsourcing deeply. In addition, not only does this paper use the econometric methods for quantitative analysis, but also uses the EViews software to analyze different kinds of factors. And it raises some effective suggestions and policies to increase the development of Guangdong’s service outsourcing industry. I hope it is valid and useful for the future advancement of Guangdong Province in this industry.
Key words: service outsourcing industry; integrated environment; core technology industry; reserve of talents; policy support
目 录
摘 要 I
1 引言 1
1.1广东省服务外包发展概况 1
1.2广东省服务外包的主要分布 1
1.3广东省服务外包企业的现状及特点 1
1.3.1规模和地位 1
1.3.2自主创新能力 2
1.3.3专业人才的培养 2
1.3.4发展趋势 2
1.4研究意义 2
1.5研究的方法及研究框架 3
2 理论基础 5
2.1服务外包简介 5
2.2比较优势理论 5
2.3核心竞争力 6
3 广东省服务外包主要影响因素分析 7
3.1综合环境因素 8
3.2核心技术产业发展因素 9
3.3人才储备因素 9
3.4政策支持因素 10
4 广东省服务外包影响因素的定量研究 12
4.1数据的收集和整理以及经济变量的选择 12
4.2模型的设定及其估计 14
4.3统计检验 15
4.3.1拟合优度 15
4.3.2 F检验 15
4.3.3 t检验 15
4.4多重共线性检验与修复 16
4.5自相关检验 18
4.6经济意义检验 18
5 增强广东省服务外包竞争力的对策 19
5.1改善广东省的综合环境 19
5.1.1城市通讯、交通、人民居住环境以及法制环境 19
5.1.2服务外包园区建设 19
5.2提升广东服务外包产业核心技术的竞争力 19
5.2.1明确产业和市场定位 19
5.2.2吸引外资研发中心和服务外包型企业进驻广东 20
5.2.3自主创新,创立外包企业品牌 20
5.2.4发展服务外包联盟,提高市场开拓 21
5.3加快服务外包人才的引进与培养 21
5.3.1培养服务外包方面的专业人才 21
5.3.2将人才储备优势转化为人才供给优势 21
5.3.3服务外包人才引进和激励机制 22
5.4健全服务外包产业发展的地方政策体系 22
5.4.1进一步完善吸引外资的政策、法规 22
5.4.2建立服务外包专门机构 22
5.4.3资金的投入以及优惠政策 23
6小结 24
参考文献 25
附 录 26
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