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沽源县高校毕业生就业管理研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-22:  来源:毕业论文
沽源县高校毕业生就业管理研究 第2页
Research on College Graduates Employment Management in Guyuan County
China is in transition to the development of society the crucial period of sustained rapid economic development with China compared to China's labor market is relatively lagging behind the development, population and employment pressure is constantly increasing, the employment status of management is far Bu Neng to meet the continued increase of employment management requirements. Shortage of employment management is not just the total lack of structural imbalances and other issues, has its roots in system is not perfect.
    This paper, based on the lack of development and utilization of human resources Guyuan County, just started college graduates employment management and institutional inadequacies of the current situation, people's all-round development to the labor market theory and theories of human resources, employment theory theory as a guide to long-term employment basis for the practice, long-term accumulation of literature, information and related documents as the basis, from macro to micro, from theory to practice on Guyuan County Talent for development, planning, and improve the employment management system was analyzed and discussed.
    Keywords: University graduates; Employment; Employment management; System
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究目的和研究意义 1
1.2研究内容和研究方法 2
2 就业管理相关理论基础 4
2.1劳动力市场理论 4
2.2人力资源理论 6
2.3就业理论 9
3 沽源县高校毕业生就业管理状况与现有政策 12
3.1 沽源县及其人力资源和社会保障局简介 12
3.2 高校毕业生就业状况调查分析 14
3.3 高校毕业生就业管理状况及分析 21
3.4 高校毕业生就业管理现有政策 22
4 沽源县高校毕业生资源开发战略与规划 25
4.1人才结构现状和培养配置发展分析 25
4.2人力资源开发战略与规划目标和内容 27
4.3人力资源开发战略与规划实施保障 29
5 沽源县高校毕业生就业管理体制的建立 32
5.1 沽源县原有就业管理体制 32
5.2 建立沽源县高校毕业生就业管理新体制 32
5.3 就业管理体制的宏观管理与具体管理 38
结束语 41
参考文献 42
致    谢 43

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