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更新时间:2016-7-27:  来源:毕业论文

Problems and countermeasures of the implementation of "sunshine wage" system 
— a case study in N municipal party committee

【摘要】2006 年以来,中央政府逐步在全国推行“阳光工资”制度,并取得一定成效。只有科学、合理的“阳光工资”制度,才能在公共部门打造一只有效运作的公务员队伍,才能满足服务型政府、和谐社会建设的需求。因此,在这样时代背景下,实施“阳光工资”制度中存在的问题及对策研究具有重要的意义。本文从“阳光工资”政策出台的背景进行分析,以 N市团市委公务员为例,采用了实证研究的方法,具体分析了“阳光工资”制度在N市团市委实施的现状;深入分析实施“阳光工资”前后对公务员队伍积极和消极影响,并对“阳光工资”制度实施后的改进方案提出了有效建议。ASP.NET+SQL Sever饰品网上购物交易网站设计+源码+系统结构图
【关键词】公务员, “阳光工资”,  公平, 激励

【Abstract】 The central government of China has carried out the “sunshine wages” policy gradually in the whole country since 2006 and has achieved fruitful success. Only through scientific and reasonable “sunshine wages” can an efficient group of civil servant be built in the public departments and the demand of creating a service-oriented government and constructing a harmonious society be met. www.751com.cn Therefore, it is significant to make research on the problems resulted from the implementation of “sunshine wages” policy and corresponding solutions. This paper will start from the analysis of the background of the introduction of “sunshine wages” policy and use the method of empirical research. The following part will take the example of the civil servants in N Mission Municipal to analyze the current situation after the implementation of the policy. It will also discuss the positive and negative effects on civil servants before and after the implementation of “sunshine wages” policy and put forward some effective advice on the improved plans.
【Key words】civil servants,“sunshine wage”,fair,  incentive2672

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