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更新时间:2016-10-14:  来源:毕业论文

我国电视娱乐节目监管瓶颈与对策探析+存在的问题 摘  要:近年来,电视娱乐节目已席卷我国内地的电视市场,并且呈现出快速化和多样化的发展趋势,对民众的生活、工作等都带来了重要的影响,但它在发展中带来的问题也日益突出。从这些问题中人们可以看出我国对电视娱乐节目监管中存在诸多漏洞,主要表现在制度不完善、媒体单位消极配合、监管效力不均衡等方面,导致这些问题产生的原因便是监管体制滞后、行政管理理念消极、媒体从业者价值定位模糊和受众参与意识薄弱等。对此,电视娱乐节目的监管需从政府、媒体、受众几个方面做起,以提高我国电视娱乐节目的质量,摆脱监管瓶颈,促进电视娱乐节目的良性发展,优化我国电视文化市场,加强社会主义精神文明建设,构建社会主义和谐社会。
关键词:娱乐节目;监管 ;瓶颈;对策

China’s TV Entertainment Program Supervision Bottleneck
 and Counter measures
Abstract:In recent years,the trend of the TV entertainment programs likes tornadoes sweeping through the mainland of Chinese TV market, and shows a rapid and diversified development.It has exerted great influences on audience’s life and work.But When delighted at the prosperity of the Chinese television entertainment, we should also examine the prominent problems in the development of Chinese television entertainment .From these problems,we noted that a number of loopholes which exist in the supervision of the television entertainment,not only the system is imperfect, but also negative coordination of the media units and unbalanced regulatory force.The reasons are as follows:first,the supervision system is lagged,;second,the management philosophy is passive,;third,the value proposition of media practitioners is vague and the awareness of audience participation is weak.The work should be done from the government,media and audience,therefore can comprehensively propose countermeasures to solve the regulatory bottleneck of TV entertainment.Hereinafter put forward feasible measures to improve the quality of the entertainment ,optimize the culture market of Chinese television,strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and establish the harmonious society .
Keywords: entertainment programs;supervision;bottleneck;countermeasures

目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国在电视娱乐节目监管中出现的问题 2
(一)法律制度缺乏前瞻性 2
(二)监管力度不均衡 3
(三)电视媒体单位消极配合 3
二 、我国电视娱乐节目监管产生问题的原因 4
(一)监管制度不完善 4
(二)行政管理理念消极 5
(三)媒体从业者价值观模糊 5
(四)受众参与意识薄弱 6
三、解决我国电视娱乐节目监管问题的对策 7
(一)政府加强立法 完善监管体制 7
(二)媒体加强自律 建立系统的管理体制 7
(三)注重全民参与 发挥百姓监管作用 8
(四)借鉴国外经验 引进第三方监管机制 8
参考文献 10,3324

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