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更新时间:2016-10-20:  来源:毕业论文

网络中保健养生流言的消解策略+原因分析+社会危害 摘  要:网络自身的开放性与管制的相对宽松给流言的泛滥创造了机会,生活水平的提高使人们更多地关注保健养生。网络中充斥着的各种各样的保健养生流言会误导人们对健康知识的认知,损害人们的生命健康,降低网络平台的公信力。商业利益驱动下的不实宣传也扰乱了养生产品正常的市场秩序。所以,必须采取规范网络环境、开展网络保健养生科普、提高网民的媒介素养等多个措施,以控制流言产生和传播的途径,从而更好地消解网络中的保健养生流言。

A Study of Strategies to Eliminate Rumors of Health Care on Internet
Abstract: The openness of internet and the comparative loose of the regulation make it a good environment for rumors’ wide spread. The improvement of the living standard also makes people pay more attention on health care. Various rumors of health care floods on the internet may mislead people’s understanding to knowledge of health care, damage the health of people and decrease the credibility of the internet. The fraud publicity driven by the commercial interest also interrupts market regular operation of health care. Therefore, we should take measures, such as standard internet environment, popular the health care knowledge on internet, increase the quality of the netizens and so on, to control the producing and spreading methods, and eliminate the rumor of health care on the internet.
Key words: health care; rumors on the internet; elimination strategy
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络中保健养生流言泛滥的社会危害 2
(一)损害人们生命健康 2
(二)降低媒体公信力 4
(三)扰乱商务市场 4
二、网络中保健养生流言泛滥的原因分析 6
(一)商业利益驱动 6
(二)网民认知能力有限 7
(三)网络自身特征所致 9
三、如何消解网络中的保健养生流言 10
(一)加强网络规范 10
(二)开展网络科学普及 12
(三)网民应提高媒介素养 13
参考文献 15,3404

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