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更新时间:2009-6-5:  来源:毕业论文
To make a bit of confession, I knew little about the Greco-Roman Mythology before. My knowledge concerning to the Greco-Mythology was focused on several celebrated passages such as Pandora’s box,Prometheus’s suffering, Appollo and the sunflower, etc. After learning this course, I can’t say I have a good command of all the mythologies but I am so bold as to admit that at least I know Ulysses(Odyssey) well. In this essay I’m going to focus on the comparison between Ulysses’s adventurous home journey and the “Journey To the West”.
   First of all, the background is totally different. Ulysses’s adventurous journey was caused by the Trojan War, which was a kind of turmoil. However, Tangseng’s story happened in a peaceful era or we can call it “prosperous years”-----the Tang dynasty. Besides, Tangseng’s journey was a kind of glory thing, because he was picked to go to the western heaven by the Tang emperor himself .Perhaps we can understate the cause of the Trojan War ------“Apple of Discord” like this:On certain hero’s wedding day ,all the gods and godnesses received the invitation except for one goodness who was in charge of conflict. Out of jealous, she created a golden apple with these words---‘dedicated to the most beautiful godness’ …..This plot reminds me of the beginning of a romantic Chinese folk tale: Once upon a time, a king and a queen gave birth to a lovely princess. On the one-year birthday party all the 12 witches were invited except for one. The one who didn’t receive the invitation also showed up at the party . However, as revenge she cast a spell on the beautiful princess and thus began the princess’s harsh life but with a happy and romantic ending. These two stories are very much alike which I think is very interesting since they came from two totally different districts.
     Secondly, their experiences are similar. Basicially these words can summarize their journey: “They chanced the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert, traveling for many days and nights, risking life and limb to reach their destination.”(By the way ,this reminds me of the journey that prince charming went on to rescue princess Fiona in the movie “Shrek”.)It is essential and obvious that they went through various kinds of obstacles. Here I’ll just give a few examples. In Ulysses’s home journey ,the sirens, sea-nymphs, use the power of charming songs to lure Ulysses and his companions to death. While in the “Journey To the West” an alluring woman,BaiGujing,also attempted to use her beauty and weak frame to seduce Tangseng and his disciples. Apprantly , neither freaks succeeded. Because both two parties are brilliant and they were all helped by supernatural beings. They were lucky, we have to admit.
     Thirdly, life played a serious joke on both of them-----they met up with trial even when they have reached their destinations: Ulysses have to deal with his beautiful wife’s suitors after he got home meanwhile the four master and disciples have to survive the last disaster of the 81 calamities. Of course they made it. When it comes to the related two books---“Odyssey”and “Journey To the West”, I think both of them are comedies.
      Perhaps you will argue with me that their purposes are not similar: Ulysses walked towards the direction of his home meanwhile Tangseng and his apprentices’ destination is the west heaven. But since Ulysses have to suffer so much to reach his home and his conviction is that firm ,I prefer to regard his home as his own western heaven. I’d like to name Ulyness’s home journey and the journey to the western heaven as“PILGRIMAGE”. Do you agree?
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