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英语演讲稿短文-The Life’s Chocolate-Bitter Crisis and Sweet Chance

更新时间:2009-6-5:  来源:毕业论文
英语演讲稿短文-The Life’s Chocolate-Bitter Crisis and Sweet Chance
Two years ago at this time I was preparing for the College Entrance Examination with all my heart and soul. I worked very hard. Somehow,the results were just so-so.It was the second simulated exam’s good results that gave me hope.I ranked third in my school and I was dreaming of being admitted by certain famous university from other provinces.
   On June 7th and June 8th,I walked into the examination hall confidently and hopefully.
   Then it is the evening of June 25th.It had been a long and hard night for me.I grabbed the telephone hopegully and hurriedly but put it down sorrowfully and disappointedly.My teacher told me my score and my mind went toally blank.The lowest score ever in history.I walked slowly back to my room,lay down ,feeling that my world was falling apart.
   I spent that summer vacation wearing a distressed expression as if my prescious dog had left me.However, the most severe thing was that I was lost and I was forced by the sudden crisis to decide the direction of my future life.Being admitted by an influencing school had always been the only important goal that I worked for.Now that my score showed it was a mirage,then what shall I do?Hunt for a job?Gods knows who is ready to employ a girl without a university diploma! Enroll in the local university that I was admited?Even devil knows how eager I want to spend my beautiful fours’ time in a unfamiliar place with beautiful landscape! Shall I gave up my dream? One thing I was positive was that if I allowed this happened,I would regard myself as a coward,even I would look down upon myself.Beause when I was confronted with crisis I even didn’t have the courage to look into its face and find a chance !
I still remember a line in the movie Forrest Gump:life is a box of chocolates,you never know what you’re gonna get.It reminds me of my life.The crisis is like a chocolate tasting bitter.But if you discard the whole box because of the bitter one ,you will lose the chance to enjoy the sweetness inside the box-----our life.
I thought over and over again and finally made up my mind to go back to my senior school and that is why you see me,a girl from Henan province,standing on Yunnan’s fertile red land.
“In times of a bitter crisis,you have nothing to do but look into its face and find a sweet chance out of it.Just like what you do when having a piece of chocolat.” when I was enjoying the Spring City’s beautiful sunshine,I spoke to myself.
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