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更新时间:2009-9-1:  来源:毕业论文
A Review of “A Tale of Two Cities”
“A Tale of Two Cities”, one of Dickens’ works, is a well-known long story. And it has a great influence on the society at that time. When I saw the title at first, I thought it might tell something about the developing process of two cities, which might be no fun. However, after reading it , I found I had been wrong.
It portrays a brutal, bloody and revengeful society as well as love and friendship.
It happened before and after the Revolution in France. The ruthless and cruel landowners and noblemen exploited the miserable people who owned nothing, but these poor people worked for others day and night. Noblemen had the power that one word would doubtlessly send others to prison. As time passed by, the noise of the coming-up revolution storm in Paris was growing louder and louder. At last, it was on the fourteeth of July, 1789 that the revolution borke out. “The Bastille and its officers were in the hands of people, and the people wanted revenge and blood.” The true Freedom of France came. “The Guillotine, the new machine of death, cut off the heads of many, many people—not only the powerful and the cruel, but also the beautiful, the innocent, and the good.” Among the good, there was a man called Darney. Even though his father, wife and friends knew he was innocent, the people thought he was the enemy and would go to the Guillotine.
In spite of a shadow of fear and hate here and there, we can also see the great and kind persons. I think the greatest person is Mr Manette who had been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years. What he suffered was difficult to imagine, but he was still kind and loved his daughter. He did his best to save his son-in-law, whose father and uncle were the men that had ever sent him to prison. Another great man is the lawyer, Sydney Carton, a friend of Darney. Before Darney went to Guillotine, Mr Carton changed places with him and he said, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever know.” Besides, the story is full of love, including the love between father and daughter, the love between husband and wife, the love among friends and so on. In short, only if you have love in your heart, the life is meaningful. At the same time, the revenge will run away with you, freedom and happiness will be around you.
There is no doubt that Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in English. From this book, I see some true lives and moving stories from the old ages. I reckon you must feel the same as me that we don’t want to live in that condition. To be frank, we all look forward to living in a peaceful and love situation. Though the present life has improved a lot, there are still wars in some places. All that we need is to solve the problems in peaceful ways instead of by force. So let’s work hard together in order to make our life much more meaningful and happier, make our society more harmonious.
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