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The Monkey's Paw英文读后感

更新时间:2009-10-16:  来源:毕业论文
The Monkey's Paw英文读后感
Is money the most important thing in the life?
If you make three vows to God, you can get three things from all over the world. What do you want to get?
In the novel The Monkey’s Paw written by W. W. Jacobs, the White family met such kind of question. They got a monkey’s paw from their friend, Tom, a soldier in India about twenty-one years ago. This paw was magic. It could give each one three things in the world after vowing, but at the same time, it would also bring unhappiness. Tom, the soldier needed a sports car so eagerly, so he made the vows to the monkey’s paw. His dream came true – He could drive his favorite sports car everywhere, but unfortunately his wife and his young son died in an accident during one trip.
What a tragic story! Since then, Tom had felt lonely every day. But Mr. and Mrs. White didn’t believe in it. They thought it was a coincidence and Tom was cheated. They didn’t believe that the monkey’s paw can brought three things from all over the world, but they were not rich, so they tried to want the monkey’s paw to get money from the monkey’s paw. They really got much money -- thirty thousand pounds, but it was the compensation of death! Their son died in a machinery-accident and the factory compensated two old people thirty thousand pounds. Just on the day after they hoped to get money.
Let us mourn over the child’s death. I wish him to live well in the heaven. The monkey’s paw brought unhappiness and the White’s family knew it. Why did they still make this wish? They got money, but they lost their dear son. I can’t understand what they think about. In my opinion, money isn’t everything. It is true if you have money, you can buy many luxuries, like cars, clothes and so on, but do you compare with your relatives, friends……Perhaps the White’s didn’t know they would lose their dear son. When people meet the benefit, they may not have enough time to think of the risks. They just eager to get the benefit smoothly, and they forget the risks.
Pool parents!
After their son died, the White’s hoped the monkey’s paw brought them back their son, however, the monkey’s paw couldn’t help them. The poor boy would never appear in our world, he lived in the heaven forever. Then the White’s couldn’t sleep every night. They listened and waited although their son was died. Mrs. White even went out to wait for her son to be back home by himself every day and night. But their son wouldn’t come back all along.
Only the parents always worry about their son. If they could think carefully and comprehensively, their son may be alive.
Everyone in the world has their own parents. All the parents give the kids motherly loves and fatherly loves and help them grow uphealthily . Could we buy the love with the money? Of course not. And we all have friends, but we can’t get the friendship from money. In a word, while money can buy almost everything, it, however, cannot buy health, youth, friendship, family and many other nice things in one's heart. I believe, money isn’t everything, perhaps money can be lost by accident, but something like relatives, friends and familywill not be lost, because it must be remembered in heart. And it is these things, not money, takes the most important role in one's happy life! Do you agree with me
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