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工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第2页

更新时间:2010-5-20:  来源:毕业论文
工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第2页
many management committees down a blind alley of endless discussions and meetings. It can be generally agreed that the members of the management committee and the managing partner, as lawyers, want primarily to practice law. The amount of time available for management is limited and must be used wisely.
      Collaboration is the best way to generate ideas and options for managing the firm. In the most successful firms, much gets done by teams of partners pulling together. The firm, not the leader, becomes the star; the leader serves primarily as the one who articulates the firm's goals and plans for accomplishing its objectives.
      There are some management functions, however, that should be performed by the management committee or the managing partner and should not be delegated. There are other tasks that may be performed by either the committee or the partner, but also may be performed by individual members of the management committee or other lawyers in the firm. The managing partner and the committee should be charged with those functions that require their specific talents and energy. In placing responsibility for other tasks, it is important to make certain that the management committee and the managing partner have the time to perform the functions that only they can perform.
3 Solve the problem
3.1 Management Checklists
3.1.1 The following are some of the functions that the managing partner should perform:
1. Maintaining the morale of the lawyers, as a group and individually.
2. Anticipating management needs and making recommendations for fulfilling them.
3. Supervising the administrator.
4. Making decisions concerning matters that do not warrant consideration by the management committee, such as implementation of personnel policy.
5. Implementing the management committee's decisions by informing the proper attorneys and by following up to see that the decisions have been implemented.
6. Coordinating all management activities.
3.1.2 Responsibility for the following functions may overlap, in that they can be performed by the managing partner, a member of the management committee or another lawyer:
1. Overseeing the firm's financial matters and reporting system, including preparation and monitoring of budgets, billing, collection, cash flow, analysis of management reporting for time and money and recommendations on investment of excess funds.
2. Overseeing lawyers' career development, including evaluation, training and general work assignments.
3. Overseeing legal assistants' career development, including evaluation, training and work assignments.
4. Investigating, evaluating and making recommendations to the management committee on special projects, such as acquiring senior lawyers, opening additional offices and specialization in new areas.
5. Overseeing firm facilities, particularly expansion or remodeling.
     The following are suggested questions that a managing partner may use as a guide in determining whether his or her management practices and style of leadership effectively serve the firm.

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