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工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第3页

更新时间:2010-5-20:  来源:毕业论文
工商管理毕业论文外文文献 第3页
3.2 Communication:
1. Are the firm's methods of internal communication functioning well?
2. Do all of the attorneys attend meetings, dinners or luncheons? Are they invited?
3. Does the firm use announcements or newsletters? Are the attorneys invited to contribute to committee reports?
4. Does the firm hold retreats to disseminate information or address special topics?
5. Does the firm provide the attorneys, particularly junior partners and associates, with adequate feedback?
3.3 Firm Policies:
1. Does the firm have an established policy concerning new clients?
2. Are the criteria for accepting or rejecting clients known to all the attorneys?
3. Does the firm have established criteria for hiring?
4. Does the firm conduct attorney evaluations on a regular basis? Are the evaluation criteria meaningful? Are attorneys informed of the results?
5. Are the criteria for becoming a partner or a member of the executive committee known? Are they reviewed on a periodic basis?
6. Has the firm established policies regarding no billable activities, such as pro bono work, client relations, community activity and firm administration?
7. Are the attorneys fully informed concerning the firm's billing policies?
8. Do the attorneys know the hourly rates of partners and associates, and the policy concerning expenses?
9. Have the attorneys been informed about the income-distribution structure for partners and associates?
3.4 Organization:
1. How are the departments organized? Are the areas of practice adequately staffed and supervised?
2. Are the attorneys aware of the functions of various committees?
3. Do any of the younger attorneys serve on committees? Does representation on committees reflect all firm matters?
4. How is committee membership determined? Who serves on the committees?
5. How are they selected? What is their tenure?
6. Does the administrative staff support the attorneys' needs and requirements?
7. Is the firm's equipment and office technology up-to-date?
3.5 Decision-Making:
1. Do the attorneys participate in decision-making?
2. Are the attorneys involved in the billing process, particularly the individuals responsible for the client and for performing work on client matters?
3. Are the attorneys' views and input encouraged?
4. Are the attorneys informed about events and planning regarding the number of associates or paralegals to be hired? About department expansion or contraction?
5. About major new matters?
      In assessing his or her function, the managing partner should realize that attorneys' expectations regarding the practice of law may well be different from the expectations that attorneys held ten years ago. These expectations may have changed in regard to hours of work, specialization, income, risk, independence and ethics. Attorneys have a greater desire to know the reasons behind decisions and to participate in decision-making.
3.6  Staff management
We all know too well the difficulties of managing a practice with the issues of rapidly changing technology, slowly flowing cash, finding new clients, satisfying current clients increasing costs, burdensome workloads, etc. As solo and small practitioners, there is the added burden of being all things to all people.
    Since there are many areas of your practice over which you have limited control, it is

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