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人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献 第5页

更新时间:2010-5-23:  来源:毕业论文
人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献 第5页
3 Problem Solving
As enterprises like people there are "minimize" the process, as all stages of development enterprises, through strategic human resources reform, establish a sound system of human resources, enhance the management level, enhance core competitiveness and achieve the Evergreen Foundation? I think the key to the building of the following four human resources system : organization and management system, incentive pay systems, performance management systems, career development system. In this four perfect system, under the premise with human resources planning, recruitment channel development, training work. Enterprises will be able to form a virtuous human resources development mechanism to help achieve a successful transformation. Below on how to build this system of human resources for the four preliminary discussion :
3.1 Organizational management system
Success of the enterprise management system of human resource management is the primary task. In brief, with the company's business process and the division of the appropriate organizational structure and job design, and to the right people at the right positions and so on. Organization and management to enable smooth and enterprise must perform the following tasks : First, companies need a sound, greater ability to engage in the management of human resources management team; two is to tie business processes to change the design of the appropriate organizational structure, clear the company organization chart and job set up map; Third, companies need to constantly improve the job description system and clearly defining the functions of the departments and work in concert with the process, making the statement of positions (job requirements and parameters service requirements), and post brochures as new employees of the important information and on-the-job training in the workforce, and assessment standards.
3.2 Incentive pay system
Against the high school grassroots job responsibilities set of long, medium and short-term incentives, different posts its composition ratio and salary incentives should be different. Senior stress long-term incentive, the grassroots can take a more short-term salary + bonus incentive model. Special note here on the senior cadres enterprises can be used with the length of the incentives : The spot Option Scheme. Phase Option Scheme will be able to better the interests of senior managers and the company's long-term interests combine, achieving shared interests and shared responsibility, the long-term incentive and restraint. But no matter what incentives, only one fundamental principle : the principle of fairness, that is a fair external and internal equity. Let employees feel that their pay and be able to balance that will play the role of incentives. In addition to salary, of course material incentive, I would suggest that the managers of all levels should give full play to leadership, Award in the same spirit of enterprise management role to play uncanny.
3.3 Performance Management System
Performance management system and the incentive pay system together constitute the cycle control process. Performance management is not the purpose of the examination itself and the creation of an improved performance appraisal cycle. How, then, can we effectively improve the assessment cycle? The first step is the key indicator in assessing the (project) the creation, Companies should be based on different development strategies of different evaluation indicators, using appropriate assessment methods and Absolutely pursuit of a large and all-encompassing, using charming (confused) advanced assessment methods and examinations into a castle in the air. Even on enforcement, people will also take 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/ is evaluation assessment is a process management, can help managers to distinguish between the types of staff, so use the appropriate means of human resources, promotion, training or out must speak to performance, not the performance of the managers is eliminated. Performance not the same staff and managers is not timely processing of a dereliction of duty managers; The fourth step is to use the results of the examination, examination results and the company must pay the welfare system, Pay welfare system can cope with the assessment system for the implementation of appropriate changes. The outstanding performance of departments and individuals to publicly recognize and reward the performance of a lack of guidance, criticism and encouragement.
3.4 Career development system
To enable employees to see individuals in a company's development direction and development platform, raise the job satisfaction of staff to provide the breadth and depth of career development path career development system is the fundamental purpose of the design. Enterprises under the posts to the development and distribution of state enterprises in line with the actual development of the posts and job ladder series, Meanwhile the human resources department to staff each of the actual situation with my staff develop individual career planning, and oversight so that the staff can get better satisfaction and timely found talent.

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