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人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献 第7页

更新时间:2010-5-23:  来源:毕业论文
人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献 第7页
Organization), Improved workflow (Work Process Change) Enterprise Culture and Change (Building Culture and Change). Human Resources in finding business partners to provide market information, the establishment of trade rules, provide recommendations and advice brain, played a middleman, corresponds to the role. For example, the Human Resources Department as the lead, the two organizations e-commerce industry personnel managers association Many well-known e-commerce company for active participation, not only to avoid trade risks. promote orderly competition has made its own contribution, but also effective in the prevention of software developers blindly quit.
The new human resources management strategy for some time, customers, shareholders, employees still feel foreign electronic undergone great changes. Shang Yang in an electronic sales in the Northwest to the general manager of an insurance company still talk about foreign developments, The dedication of the veterans very interested hope to be still foreign to the management of specific practices and training. Human Resources will be immediately relevant to collate materials manager, and he referred the issue to help. Later, the sales manager very sighs : "I never thought that good management role not only in the internal, it can win customers. "
And the in-house, managers have gradually come to understand that human resource management content : Human resources management is not only the human resources department, but every one of the managers, line managers (Line Manager) is also human resources management implementation, and began to take the initiative to undertake more responsibility for personnel management. Done this year from the employee satisfaction survey, "Over the past year, In your opinion, what companies are making changes? "The majority of the staff" of the company overall management level has been greatly improved "and" Resources and the Department of functions to greatly improve "one of the two former achievements. From a professional consultant to customer surveys, the Board's assessment of business, satisfaction was significantly improved, the company's profit also showing a good momentum of development.
Treated as sales, production and financial departments, the Human Resources Department must also evaluate its enterprise value to the contribution as a starting point. Although the effectiveness of the human resources department of the definition and measurement than other departments so easy and direct, but still can be done. In addition to employee satisfaction surveys, customer surveys and other methods, a relatively simple approach is to take the relative customer approach. Namely : the enterprise of the other departments, managers, employees are considered by the Human Resources Department and service "customers." If the human resources department of a lack of services, poor quality or too expensive. Then enterprises have to consider buying from external human resources services labor. The same service, if the external relative internal cheaper, better use of outsourcing services. Another approach is to use light enterprises, that is, take the work of the enterprises with the "best" of the various standards, of course, This requires richer external resources.

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