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员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第4页
1 The Training Process
1.1 Introduction: Training and Responsiveness
Training gives new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs. Training might thus mean showing a machinist how to operate his new machine, a new salesperson how to sell her firm's product, or a new supervisor how to interview and appraise employees. Where-as training focuses on skills needed to perform employees' current jobs, employee and management development is training of a long-term nature. Its aim is to develop current or future employees for future jobs with the organization or to solve an organizational problem concerning, for instance, poor interdepartmental communication. The techniques used in both training and development are often the same, however, and the distinction between the two is always somewhat arbitrary.
In fact, trainings purposes are broader today than they have been .In the past Companies used to emphasize production process training--teaching the technical skills required to perform jobs, such as training assemblers to solder wires or teachers to devise lesson plans. However, training and development programs and their objectives changed in the 1980s and 1990s. Employers had to adapt to rapid technological changes, improve product and service quality, and boost productivity to stay competitive. Improving quality often requires remedial-education training, since quality-improvement programs assume employees can use critical thinking skills, produce charts and graphs, and analyze date. Employees must also use or acquire skills in team building, decision making, and communication. Similarly, as firms became more technologically advanced, employees require training in technological. Similarly, because the enterprise unceasingly makes the technical change, this needs the enterprise employees to accept the correlation technology and computer skill aspect training (for instance tabletop typesetting system, computer-aided design and manufacture technology) And because competes increasingly intensely, thus needs the enterprise to provide a better service. Therefore, the superintend more and more 论文网http://www.751com.cn/  辣文毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/ the skill. In briefly, transforms like this from the purely production process may under explain well the question, namely training which why equally accepts in recently a year each production worker was 37 hours, but in the previous year training time actually is only 31 hours.
1.2 Training and performance history five steps
Generally, we thought a typical training or the donor project is composed by five steps. First step is the demand analysis stage, its goal is determined some work needs the skill, the analysis is going trainers the skill and the demand, and formulates the knowledge and the achievements goal which concrete, may survey (here, must guarantee the achievements to be short of may obtain through training makes up. But this kind of short is not because the low wages brings the low morale causes). Second step instructs the design stage, must compile draws up the training plan the actual content, including work handbook, training and many kinds of activities. Third step is trains the plan valid proof stage, lets the small part have the representative employee to inspect training to plan and to discover shortcoming and the insufficiency. Fourth step plans the implementation stage, this stage (for example, studies the method in hillock training or sequencing) which mentioned according to this article as well as next to carry on training. Finally is the training appraisal and the track inspection stage, must appraise the training plan in this the success or failure success and failure.
Training and the performance history five steps:
1、Demand analysis
(1) Determined needs of the concrete workmanship for the enhancement work achievements and the productive forces.
(2) Analysis the employees accepting training, guarantees the training plan not only tallies with theirs manner and individual motive, moreover, but also holds the education level .experience as well as the skill with trainers which decides matches.
(3) Through the research, formulates concretely, has the survey the knowledge and the achievements goal.
2 、Instruction design

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