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员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第5页
(1) Collects the instruction goal, the method, the medium as well as the training content, the model, the practice, each kind of active description and smooth each kind of material, abandons these informs a curriculum, this curriculum should follow the adult to study the theory, and provides the blueprint for the plan development.
(2) Guaranteed all training material writes clearly. For instance, the video recording material, the leader instruction as well as trainers work the handbook and so on. They become a entire plan in addition .This plan should consistent of the elaboration study goal .
(3) Handle the element of the training carefully and specially (no matter they are write on paper, or duplicates in film perhaps magnetic tape), we all must guarantee its quality and the validity.
(1)  Hand in training plan to the representative employee. Let them carry on the appraisal to its validity. Then the basis appraises the result carries on the final revision to guarantee the plan to be effective.
(1) Becomes effective after the plan, must to train the teacher to launch the special training symposium, but this kind of activity is helpful to the training success, it besides training content, but also pays great attention to the training knowledge and the skill which it provides.
5 、Appraisal and track
(1) Appraises training to plan the successful basis: Responded-recording study to trains the direct response. The knowledge-beforehand afterwards tests using the feedback tool determined the study actually learns thing. The behavior- pay attention to being in charge of the valuation to the achievement effect working after the learner receives training. This is surveys trainers to utilize the new skill and the new knowledge ability one kind of tool in the work. Result determination work achievements enhance degree, and value the achievement effect needing to maintain.
1.3 Training and study
From essentially looked that, training is one kind of study process. Thus, in order to train the employees effectively must grasp knowledge studying in connection with human being Here are some suggestion based on the study theory. The significance material are easier to understanding and memory. When training beginning, introduced the pertinent data to trainers the overall situation, let them understand the situation of the entire study material.
1、When introduction material, it is best to use the different example which trainers is familiar with.
2 、Order the organization material according to the logical, and enable each constituent all to have the significance. Uses the terminology and the concept as far as possible which trainers knew very well, use the audio-visual as far as possible.
3、Guarantee the easy degree of new knowledge transport from the place to the operational site transformation.
2 Training demands analysis
If has the necessity, the first step of training is must determine what needs to train, when appraised the new employee the request of the trains, the train primary mission is that he must determine the request of the work and divides them as some sub- duties, then teaches these sub- duty to the new employee. But to trains the demand in the hillock employee, the appraisal then possibly more complex somewhat, because you also must determine trains whether can solve the problem. For example, sometimes the work’s achievements dropping also possibly is because the working standard formulation is unclear or the employee lacks the power to create.
The two main methods of the training demand is the task analysis and the work achievements analysis .The investigation indicate that approximately 19% employer said they use the task analysis to determine the training demand, but the task analysis is one kind of work demand analysis, the task analysis is specially suitable to determine the new employee's training demand. But the achievements analysis of work is through to works the achievements appraisal in the hillock employee to determine trains whether may reduce some kinds of work achievements problems what likes the waste product excessively to be many or the output lower. Other may use in to determine the training demand the method are including the manager reported, the human affairs record, the control section request, the observation, the work general education al development test as well as the questionnaire survey.
Regardless of what method we use, no matter the task analysis, the work achievements analysis perhaps the alternative means, employee's investment is essential. The fact proved that nobody can be engaged in some work like the reality employee such to understand his work, thus requests the employee to participate in the demand analysis is one kind of  an wise action.
2.1 Task analyses: Appraises the new employee's training demand
Use the task analysis to determine the new employee's training request. Specially says regarding a rank lower work, we usually first hire the inexperience employee then to carry on training to it. In this kind of situation, the train goal is to develop the essential skill and

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