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员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第6页

更新时间:2010-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第6页
knowledge. Because it is the requests of good work achievement. Therefore this kind of training is usually based on the task analysis, it through determines its need to some work dissect the specific skill, like assembler's welding skill or responsible employee's face-to-face talk equality.
2.2 Work achievements analysis: Determination in hillock employee's training demand.
The work achievements analysis is refers that determined employees’ current work achievements and between the request work achievements disparity, and decided this kind of disparity is (for example transfers employee) through training or other ways to correct. The first step is to appraise employee's work achievements. Because they want to improve the employees’ work achievements. And you must determined employee's current work result firstly, and compared with the work achievements. Below is some work achievements disparities concrete models: "I hoped every salesman signs 10 new contracts every week, but John average has only 6 each week " "Serious accident which occurs with our same scale other factory each monthly means 论文网http://www.751com.cn/  辣文毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/cannot do with the question which is not willing to do. First must determine whether for can't do question. If cannot do, must understand the concrete reason: For example ,the employee did not know what to do or not to know the standard of the formulation; Or the system existence barrier ,for instance ,it lacks the tool or the raw material; Or it needs to work the supporting facility, for example, the color coding electric wire, may cause the assembler to know which coarse thread to which goes; Or the employee selected the wrong person who did not own the work needed skill; Or insufficient training and so on. On the other hand, it also possibly is the question which is not willing to do, this is refers if the employee wants to complete, they also can achieve, if is not willing to do, that it needed to change the incentive system, for instance ,establish one kind of drive system to change it.
2.3 Hypotheses training goal
After the training demand analysis, establishment concrete, measurement training goal are neccesarry. In training, development or the general significance teaching goal, can be defined for "give the job description which they demonstrated before trainers ability in you considered ". For instance: If has the toolbox and the user's manual, the technical proxy can accord to the handbook showing to calibrate this in 20 minutes to execute the happy duplicator the localization (along paper nearby heavy line). After completely completed the training plan the goal to stipulate trainers should achieve matter. Therefore, the goal has provided the direction for trainers and train which joint effort, also for training plans whether succeeded has provided the appraisal foundation.
3 Training methods
After determining the training demand and establishing training goal. The training plan was allowed to implement. Under words carry on some most popular training method describes.
3.1 On-the-job training
The on-the-job training refers to in office employee in the original knowledge, technical and in the ability foundation obtains the enhancement and the renewal, for them by cultural theory study and skill training. The on-the-job training is the present age science and technology development objective request, is the modernization urgent need, the party and the government extremely take to the on-the-job training.
3.2 Work instructions training
Much work is composed by a series of logical steps, therefore step by step study is best way. This kind gradually enhances the process is called as job instruction training(JIT). First should list all essential steps all according to the correct logical order. At the same time, it’s need to list "the main point" correspondingly nearby each step (if some).These steps showed what to make, and these main points showed how to do, as well as why to do.
3.3 Courses
The course has several merits, when there are many trainers, it may teach them the knowledge rapidly, simply and directly. For example, when the sales must understand the certain characteristic of the new products. May select this method. Sometimes uses the books, the handbook and so on the written material also to be possible to replace the course, but these materials printing expenses are possibly higher ,moreover the written material cannot be able to let the person like course such inquire and obtain the explanation. Under edevelops some guiding principles which the course should observe:
1、Enables some signals to the audience to let then accept your thought. For instance, if you must discuss a series of issues. You may start like this: "Sales report is essential, there are  four reasons firth …second. . _ "

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