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员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第7页

更新时间:2010-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第7页
2、Does not make mistake as soon as starting. For example, do not settle the training irrelevant joke or the story, also do not say such speech: "I really did not know why wants me to teach here today ".
3 、The conclusion must be brief. Summarizes the main point or the train viewpoint with 1 or 2 brief speeches.
4、Pays attention to audience's performance. Uneasy whether sitting or standing, the double arm overlapping kind of body language would regard as the negative signal.
3.4 Seeing and hearing technologies
Like seeing and hearing technology and so on the movie, closed circuit television, recording tape and video tape possibly applies very much widely, moreover produces the effect very is also good. For instance , in Weyerhaeuser Corporation's, "Kwai River bank Bridge" and so on the partial movies on already took the firm managerial employees chool  development interpersonal relationship discussion the basic content. The Ford Motor Company trains at the symposium in its dealer, simulates each kind of customer suit question and the correct responding reply way with the movie. The seeing and hearing compared to the ordinary Qian Yaoduo which course spend, but it has many strong points. May in the below situation utilization seeing and hearing technology:
1、How when demonstrates presses some specific order to complete the work too is time-consuming must use the seeing and hearing technology. For example 论文网http://www.751com.cn/  辣文毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/2 、When demonstrated to trainers the event with the vivid course indicated with difficulty when must use this technology, for instance, a vivid factory visit or heart surgery process.
3、When entire organization's all personnel all want to train also must with this technology, because if lets train a teacher place says, the cost too is high. Prepares when you to use the image technology. May have following three kind of choices: You may buy the ready-made video tape or the movie; May own manufacture; Also may ask some production factory to manufacture the video tape for you, many commercial activities is classified makes the seeing and hearing program, the subject is very wide spread, from seeks employment interviews the zoo management, has e very thing expected to find.
3.5 Sequenced teaching
Regardless of is with the textbook or with the computer took the sequenced teaching facility, the sequenced teaching all has three kind of functions:
1、Lists the question, the fact or the question for the study.
2、Lets the study reply.
3、 Feeds back to the study answer accuracy.
The sequenced teaching main merit lay in it to reduce the nearly 1/3training time. The study principle enumerates which according to front may know, the sequenced teaching also is helpful to the study, because it lets the study according to from decides the progress study, provides the prompt feedback, moreover looked from study the trickiness angle, it also reduced the opportunity which makes a mistake. But on the other hand, study from sequenced teaching middle school to thing certainly not compared to traditional textbook middle school to many. Therefore, must be accelerates the study according to the sequenced teaching but is not improves the study the fact, measures the manufacture sequencing teaching handbook and (or) the software cost.
3.6 International managements training
Because more and more many companies discovered they must compete in the global market, they can not but increase the special global training plan, does this the reason is various, for instance is wants to avoid because the culture the bankruptcy which ignores causes, perhaps wants to enhance the employee to work the degree of satisfaction and overseas employee member's remaining in office rate, also perhaps lets a new appointment the employee and he (or she) the overseas colleagues carries on the communication and the exchange.
Many global training plan all is beforehand "the packing" good. Before these training plans sold to the company by the seller, the company needs is in office to the overseas carries on

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