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员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第8页

更新时间:2010-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译 第8页
training in or many employees to them. A training plan model is helpful to expounded the training plan widespread application scope, this is actual like the global training plan the dissimilarity which demonstrated to you, the training plan model content includes:
1、Cultural consciousness trains this training plan lasts one day ,may see the American values and other cross cultural country values as well as about them between the communication and the cultural dentical question supposition through this plan.
2、The administrative personnel global transaction etiquette trains this plan through to administrative personnel different country different courtesy training (including Germany, Japan, Mexico, Russia as well as Saudi Arabia), enables them to be supposed to the global trans action.
4 Whole world human resources management training
When the enterprise manages the service expands to overseas, it is more important to train the foreign employees. For example, employee that the auspicious column international corporation hires newly to the person in the host country, first they accept the training of technical and the plan as well as company values in the General headquarter which located in Boston. Training the foreign employee is not merely translates the ready-made training plan into other languages. Because the cultural difference already affects the training material the service ability, also effect receive training personnel reaction to the training program. Under are some suggestions of overseas training.
1、The understanding the论文网http://www.751com.cn/  辣文毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/this is a risk, similarly, in the Middle East, the role acting also only can be child's game, is not adult's activity.
2、Criticizes the other people in public is one kind of taboo in some Far East country. Therefore, when carry on training discussion or role acting, it must difficult to find volunteer to act the status as "the observer", because the observer usually acts criticizes other trainers behavior roles.
5 Through Internet training
Although Internet training only was just starts, but it is already became the reality and without a doubt moreover was that, in the enterprise, some training plans will rely on the Internet very quickly.
At present, the majority of Internet training project teaching the network user how to use the network (this is not so strange), Roadmap is a model, it is a work of Alabama University's university student Patric Chris. Analysis from many aspects, this training curriculum is an extension course. Everyday trainers studies a new class through email, totally it lasts approximate a month. Chris use Listserv software to teach, teach the curriculum to approximately 20,000 trainers each month simultaneously. Every time trainers will make a great progress after training, some curricula contain the work, these works stipulated trainers goes out the Internet world, learns them the knowledge to put to the practice and the collection with the curriculum related information. In this aspect ,also there is another kind of form different from the teach, another kind of Internet training plan make process, not only teaches the trainers receive information curriculum through email, moreover divides the student into discussion group. Such trainers not only can learn the thing, moreover also possibly becomes friends with many new friends.
Certainly, the company can utilize the similar method teaches its training plan by a lower expense in the nation or the world, but this certainly cannot represent all completely. Along with the use of appropriation network software (for example Lotus) on Internet .The company will be able to provide the training plan through one kind of safer platform. Further, because the sales of the inexpensive network equipment exist, the sound can transmit on the Internet become feasible, and it will provide a convenient condition to utilize the Internet instruction training plan to the people.

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