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薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第10页

更新时间:2010-5-25:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第10页
prescribed price calculation piece of a kind of compensation.
(2) The structure of compensation
Its calculation : The compensation of piecework of frontline production staff per month= The compensation of posts standard ×The completion rate of target output × The completion rate of target cost × quality coefficient + skills wages + allowance. On one hand, take the compensation of posts standard to maintain the basic completion; On the other hand, the employees revenue linked to the personal performance appraisal.
Of which: The completion rate of target output target completion rate = actual output of the month / target yield of the month × 100%
The completion rate of target cost = actual cost of the month / target cost of the month × 100%
Actual cost = the cost of raw materials +the dynamic power of electric power + wages and the cost surcharge + depreciation + other costs.
Quality coefficient: its benchmark value is 1, every workshop section for quality records per day, According to the quality coefficient of assess standard to add or button at the end of month, and gain the quality coefficient of the month.
Quality coefficient = 1.00 – the withheld coefficient of the month + the increase coefficient of the month
①Established the compensation standards of posts
According to the post of technical difficulty, and intensity of work, working conditions and responsibilities for the size to determine the level posts, different levels to determine the different of the compensation standards of posts.
②Determine the compensation of skills
The compensation of skills through technical levels to identify and technical level by the technical assessment results to determine. Under the results of technical evaluation, it will be divided into five technical grade.
③Determination the allowances of posts
The monitor and the teacher is the grassroots frontline operator, but also the management of the grassroots, aim at their responsibility to management positions grant the allowances of posts, every person has 50 subsidy per month. If it meets the exceptional circumstances (such as stop production and overhaul), the staff posts for the allowances of posts of standard.

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