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薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第6页

更新时间:2010-5-25:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第6页
2 The structure, quality and function of compensation, and the motivation theory of compensation
2.1 The structure, quality and function of compensation
2.1.1 The structure of compensation
Compensation is a complex economic and social phenomenon from different angles can perform various classifications. According to the mechanism of compensation, it can divide into internal and external compensation.
(1) Internal compensation
Internal compensation means the staff by virtue of their own hard work to get honor, success and liability. Internal compensation include : participation in the decision-making rights, individuals to play the potential job opportunities, independence and freedom to arrange their working hours, more terms, more interested in the work, personal development opportunities, diversification of activities.
(2) External compensation
External compensation means enterprises according to the staff for the size of contribution they made and that paid the various forms of income to the staff. Its specific manifestations are varied, including wages, bonuses, benefits, allowances and other specific forms:
① Wages .employees as long as works in enterprises, we will be able to get a regular fixed amount of labor remuneration. The narrow wages paid to workers refer to the monetary reward. From the meaning of generalized wages, including laborers monetary and all the remuneration of non-monetary forms. It is now commonly referred to wages, generally refers to generalized wages. As the wages of staff basic compensation, the basic amount fixed, it provides a more stable source of income to the employees, and meet the minimum needs of life to staff.
     ② Incentives. Incentives refers to the organization to provide staff with the efforts beyond the normal labor or labor and compensation paid to employees, including its dividend, profit sharing and usually refer to the bonus content.
     ③ Welfare. Welfare also has broad and narrow, the broad welfare includes wages. The narrow welfare refers paid to the staff in addition to wages or salaries and other forms of remuneration, and more to pay in Physical or the form of services, such as social insurance (life insurance, unemployment , endowment insurance, etc.) the free and discounted of work meal, preferential housing, the provision of free or low-priced canteens bathhouse, clubs, and so on.
     ④Subsidy. Subsidies refers to the wage or salary of enterprises difficult to complete, accurately reflect the situation or the special working conditions of staff and job characteristics and the specific conditions of the additional pay and the cost of living paid staff compensation. These circumstances are: the working environment is detrimental to staff health; The work cause possibility of larger harm to staff; employees involved in the community in some seemingly decent work and so on. People usually associated with the allowance as compensation, and the compensation linked to life as subsidies.
According to the compensation defined as the fundamental basis of the compensation classification, the pay can be divided into time, piece-work pay and outstanding achievement compensation. In addition, according to the compensation whether the monetary form can be obtained directly, divided into monetary and non-monetary remuneration.
2.1.2 The quality and function of compensation
(1)The quality of compensation
Pay is the same as commodity money contact to a category.Using the two angles as following to define the quality of compensation.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/
From the point of view of productivity, it is production or other economic activities of human labor input the monetary funds manifestations, is the final cost of the product components. In the conditions of market economy, enterprises mainly through paid to the accounting or measuring production and other economic activities of human labor consumption. Due to the pressure of competition, enterprises must consider cutting labor costs.
From the point of view of the relations of production, compensation for the income distribution reflects the outcome of the staff was the allocation of shares. Under the current social system of our country, compensation is the main sources to the means of subsistence consumption of workers. It have a major impact on the level of consumption and the consumption structure , and consumption actually is the process of reproduction labor, reproduction of labor also has an important influence in the next phase of production. Therefore, the compensation’s level has great significance for sustained and stable increase production or promote other economic activities.
Such a dual character of compensation, it decided that the compensation management is actually reduce expenditure and income distribution on production costs and that continued to improve pay levels of this contradiction and make an adjustment.
(2)The function of compensation
The function of compensation may from the enterprises, workers and social aspects to inspect:
①From the point of view of the enterprises, compensation has the following functions: First, the increment functions. Compensation is not only the costs of purchase labor by enterprises, as well as the investment of live working , it will give employers greater than expected cost benefits. The existence of such benefit, provided the impetus mechanism of labor employment and investment labor for the enterprises. Second, the promoting functions. Compensation is a evaluation of workers and operators’ performance, reflect the quality and quantity conditions of work. Therefore, the compensation can promote staff constantly improve their work efficiency and enthusiasm. Third, the coordination functions. While the movement of compensation, put the organization's goals and intentions of managers to employees, correspond the relationship between staff and enterprises, and promote the consistent of staff’ action and enterprises correspond. On the other hand, the reasonable of compensation’ differentials and structure can effectively mediate the conflict between the employees, and harmony the human relationships.
②From the point of view of the employee, compensation has the following functions: First, the reproduction of labor ensure functions. Staff through the labor and services exchange for compensation, so that they could meet the need of food, clothing, shelter, with

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