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薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第7页

更新时间:2010-5-25:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第7页
the basic needs of life, thereby achieving a reproduction of labor force. Second is to achieve functional value. Compensation is an evaluation for enterprises to pay for their employees, also is the recognition of staff capability and level, is the returns of the implement of individuals value, and the signal of successful promotion, it reflects the employees’ relative position and function in enterprises, it can make the staff have a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and thus inspire greater enthusiasm for the work. Third,reasonable compensation will be strong the trust of enterprise by staff ,buildup the expected increase risk of psychological sense of security and a sense of security for the staff.
③From the point of view of the social, compensation has the relocate function of labor force resources for the social. Most people will be willing to the higher compensation regions, departments and the post. As a manager can use the difference compensation to guide human resources reasonable flow, promote the effective distribution for human resources, implement the human resources development and maximize efficiency. In addition, compensation also can apply the occupational value and types of work by people, compensation level to a certain extent reflect the types of work or social values, thereby adjust the people's occupational aspirations and the flows of obtain employment.
2.2 The Motivation theory of compensation
Compensation has always been an attention task, it is not merely related to each person's personal interests, is involved in every organization, the whole community, and even the entire country's socio-economic development. Therefore, compensation is that foreign scholars have always been an important research subject.
The Motivation theory of compensation is the basis of the compensation management theory. Motivation is the most important and most basic functions in compensation. How to use the compensation to motivate the staff’ efficiency and enthusiasm, is the core content of compensation study, design and compensation management. Reasonable, fair and competitive compensation is the most important factors to encourage the employees to work hard. Reasonable, and effective compensation management mechanism between prompting is a benign interaction. Effective compensation mechanism must motivate the staff use higher quantity and quality to completed tasks, and higher quantity and quality of work must bring higher compensation.
Motivation is a psychology concept, in its essence, it is said that some motivation by the reasons, some occurred motive acts is produced. For example, the same person, why do their sometimes work actively, and sometimes flagging spirit and no mood to work, or even negative go slow? Now, put the motivation concept into management practice, endow a new meaning. That is motivation is a spiritual power or state, the staff has stepped up, inspire and promote the role and instruction or guidance staff conduct at the organization's goals. Therefore, not only to study some kind of motivation how is, more crucial to examine how to promote the management of a particular object have the motivation how to guide them with their full force to achieve a particular goal. Today's society, more and more motivation by many managers in the implementation guidance and leadership is seen as an important method thus effectively integrate human, using technology to achieve reunification of all employees ,it will also make the personal ease of mind, the achievement of organizational objectives.
In the understanding the basis of human, and many scholars research the needs and conduct of human, But it has the same purpose of the study, namely : how to inspire  motivation, how to analyze needs, how to determine action, adopted to meet the needs of the people to achieve their basic objective, so as to achieve an effective motivation.
At present, domestic and foreign scholars have recognized the main motivation theory: Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Two-factor theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy theory of motivation. This text simply introduce Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Expectancy theory of motivation.
2.2.1 Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Maslow put forward the hierarchy of needs theory, it thinks that the needs of human is arisen with the arrangement form, from the junior programs need to begin to move upwards to senior needs. Maslow thinks that it generally has five levels of needs in social life by people: physiological needs, security needs and society needs, respect needs and self-actualization

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