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薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第8页

更新时间:2010-5-25:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第8页
Maslow also considers that when a need to be met, and a higher level of need will occupy the dominant position, the individual needs of the layer to rise. From the point of motivation, no a need will be fully met, However, as long as the meeting is part of the individual will to pursue other aspects of their needs. According to Maslow's view, if we want to inspire someone, it is imperative to understand which hierarchy of needs by the person, then focused on meeting the needs of this level or above this level needs. Maslow's theory gained all-pervading recognition, especially gained the recogniztion from practice by many managers. This is mainly due to the theory simple and clear, easy to understand the inherent logic. Its maximize usefulness lies in the fact that it points out the need for every person. As managers, in order to effectively 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/ , it is necessary to understand their subordinates what is need to meet.
2.2.2 Expectancy theory of motivation
Expectancy theory of motivation is proposed by Fulumu(V. H. Vroom) who is the United States psychologists. The basic viewpoints of Expectancy theory of motivation is: People expect their actions will help to achieve a certain target circumstances, will be incentive to do certain things together to achieve our goals. Performance is the three function of perceived: expectations, relevance and potency.
From the point of view of psychological, Expectancy theory of motivation has three specific psychology relation:
First, Effort-performance linkage refers to the perception of individuals through efforts to achieve the desired performance tarts possibility.
Second, Performance-reward linkage is a person through a certain level of the efforts to achieve the desired level of pay determined.
Finally, Reward attractiveness shows the achievement of the expected results or remuneration received by the individual concerned how much importance.
As enterprise managers, Expectancy theory of motivation provides such a management way: every employees in the three psychological linked to the drive, the choice and tropism usually through the four steps :
First, the work brings what results to the staff.
Second, the results has how much more attractive to the staff.
Third, achieve this result, what need to do by the staff.
Fourth, From the point of view of staff, achieve such a result needs how much probability of success.
3 Nanjing DE valve factory the problems and causes of compensation management and the analysis of problem
3.1 Compensation system lack of strategic thinking
In the reform process of state-owned enterprise, the internal reform of the compensation system is always the summit concerned by all the levels of managers. The reform of enterprises compensation system throughout the entire process of state-owned enterprises reform. While managers at all levels pay great attention to design and pay system reform in China but the majority of businesses pay system still faced with many problems and shortcomings at present, and many enterprises’ employees is not high satisfaction of the compensation system, the compensation system of enterprises has failed to play the role of incentive, didn’t become the norm to workers. Like other state-owned enterprises. When the Nanjing DE valve factory carry through the compensation management, also not fully understand that the compensation system of enterprises must support and services to the enterprise's strategic goals. Greater extent on the existence of compensation to compensation, distribute the Equity and reasonable into the reform and development process as a goal and not what kind of compensation system will be favorable to corporate strategy and the implement of human resource strategy, Nanjing DE valve factory do not from their own strategies and the overall human resources strategy starting to reform and improve the compensation system, and do not foothold in the enterprise business strategy and human resources strategy, according to labor market, Finally formed enterprises compensation management system. Enterprises lack of management experience in professional human resources management sector in the medium and long term development strategy of Research and decomposition to the enterprise, according to the external market and the development of enterprises and work out development strategies that suit the salary management system, lack of study on compensation management. Although enterprises also pay a certain of reform for compensation system in recent years, but these reforms are not from the height of corporate strategy and the enterprise fails to reflect the strategic objectives and positioning.

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