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绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第4页

更新时间:2010-5-31:  来源:毕业论文
绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第4页
1  Introduction
The performances management occupies the core status in the modern enterprise human resources management, carries on the effective performances management is promotes the enterprise the management potency, the enhancement enterprise core competitive ability important method. But, how did the performances manage effectively implement were still the present stage our country enterprise extremely urgent problem. The performances management is an enterprise super in ten dent unusual headache question, is regarded it is "the weak". The author attempts to unify in recent years the human resources management working practice, how deepens the performances management, the display performances management biggest potency discussed several humble opinions, to the time offer a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas.
2  Common reasons why the performances management has not achieved the tangible affect several
2.1 Imitates copies verbatim, blind imitation
Each enterprise's performances management system all should fully consider enterprise own characteristic, enterprise 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/
Our country industrialization time short, manages the theory and the experience all quite is deficient, profits from the over seas management theory and the experience extremely has the necessity. But some enterprises eagerly enhance the enterprise performances not to know how begins, the implementation "brings the principle", copies mechanically and applies slavishly the western experience, not to enterprise factor and so on itself development condition, strategy and management goal, values, enterprise culture carries on the full analysis, acts appropriately to the situation, its result inevitably is defeats the purpose, is contrary to what expects.
2.2 Heavy performances inspection, light performances management
The performances management is a complete management system management system; it has contained the performances plan, the performances management implementation, the performances appraisal as well as the feedback and so on four modules. The performances inspection merely is a link; certainly it is an essential link. Only pays attention to the performances inspection is manages the idea and the localization mistake . This involves to the enterprise high level super in ten dent sand the human resources administrative personnel to the performances management understanding depth and the breadth question.
We said the performances management the goal is for promote the enterprise the competitive ability and staff's working ability and the performance, needs to understand the performances management the connotation and the flow, need to pay great attention to the entire management process the communication and the coordination, pays attention to each flow the realization.
Merely pays attention to the performances inspection, often creates the staff to the performances management valid question, because it lacks with in staff's necessity communication and the personal it respect, thus also could not achieve displays staff's work enthusiasm, the initiative goal. Only pays great attention to the performances inspection, its result is merely fills in a big pile of form, becomes a mere formality, but lacks the substantive effect, regards as by the administrative personnel and the staff "wastes the time".
2.3Performances management is only the human resources control section’s work
In the human resources management department manager's post instruction booklet, the performances management is its important responsibility. Therefore has quite many superintendents wrongly to think the performances management is only the human resources control section’s responsibility, but other departments' superintendents regard it are "the extra burden". Certainly, the human resources department has the important responsibility to the performances management, but the first responsibility person should be various services unit and the function department's superintendent. They are shouldering the business goal realization, the entire journey communication, the performance appraisal as well as the performances feedback and so on.
In the practical work, the human resources control section withstands the pressure biggest department in the performances management process. How lets the straight line department managers accept and the coordinate performances management? Could not achieve how the performances management effect does manage? This needs in our thousandth of a Yuan clear performances management process superintendent’s role, wants the cognition each superintendent, even each staffs all are the indispensable superintendent.
2.4 Performances management goal is not clear about
The performances management goal is for the entire organization and the staff individual

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