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绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第6页

更新时间:2010-5-31:  来源:毕业论文
绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第6页
the staff, specially is the core staff to enterprise's loyalty, affected "keeps the person" to the human resources management important task whether could achieve.
Because of this, the high level superintendent does not have the reason to affect this item the overall situation, affects the enterprise core competitive ability, and even closes the entire enterprise life and death supervisory work, merely gave a department---- human resources control section to complete. In fact, the human resources control section took a function department does not have the command jurisdiction and the order power to other departments, if cannot have the high level leader's force support, human resources manager also only can the person call how.
4  Several questions in the performances management implementation process should be paid attention to
4.1 Performances management division of labor and cooperation
As mentioned earlier, an performances management defeat important reason is has distinguished clearly in the management process respective responsibility. Distinguishes clearly the responsibility is the performances management organization safeguard. The concrete division of labor tries to state as follows:
1st, the human resources control section, in the entire performances management process, is the supporter and the inspector general. The concrete responsibility includes:
(毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/body. They undertake the responsibility mainly has:
(1) Rests on the enterprise the developmental strategy and the KPI system, is clear about this department year and the quarter strategy goal and the management key;
(2) Designs this department two level of KPI, responds the enterprise strategy and a level of KPI system from the department responsibility;
(3) Organizes the department performances inspection;
    (4) Links up the determination improvement goal and the plan with the subordinate.
3rd, the high level superintendent, has in the performances management body primary interest;
(1) is clear about the mission and the pursue;
(2) Determines the enterprise strategy plan;
 (3) Organizes and the design strategy succeeds the essential factor and the finance evaluation criteria;
(4) Organizes to draw up the enterprise year after the management strategy goal, provides the resources and the policy support;
(5) Organizes to draw up the company level the KPI system.
4.2 Enterprise performances and staff performances conformity
The enterprise overall performances have included the enterprise performances, the team performances and individual performances. The overall performances omni-directional promotion can enable the enterprise the resources to obtain the best use, causes the enterprise in the core competitive ability a stair. The author thought may achieve through following several aspects:
1st, the human resources superintendent participates in the entire enterprise strategy plan, the human resources superintendent may carefully examine the enterprise from the human resources angle the overall strategy, simultaneously from the overall angle, joins staff’s performances and the overall strategy;
2nd, records the branch customs station using the balance (BSC) the principle to decompose the enterprise strategy into the essential performances target (KPI) the system, guaranteed the enterprise strategy carries out each staff;
3rd, realizes the PDCA circulation management, achieves the plan -monitoring - examination and critique - improvement the overall process effective operation. Benign to the performances circulation is the management movement which we hoped.
4.3 Performances management already must pay great attention to the result, also must take the process
The performances management attention is the entire process, it has already contained the performances inspection result, also includes the performances goal the hypothesis, the performances application and the feedback, these four modules are indispensable. The performances inspection result has contained the performance, the efficiency, the accomplishment promotion, it certainly is the enterprise to staff’s request, is the board of directors to the high level superintendent’s request, says from the big aspect, also is the society to enterprise’s expectation. But the result production is through a series of behaviors,

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