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绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第7页

更新时间:2010-5-31:  来源:毕业论文
绩效管理英文文献和参考文献 第7页
impel through cannot the few flows and be facilitated.
In the entire performances management process, in is clear about the overall goal and in respective performances target foundation, carries on tracing and the weight to the performances goal, through continues the unceasing performances communication and the performances face-to-face talk guarantees the performances to be possible the execution and may achieve the nature. From the performances plan contract pledge to the performances appraisal and the improvement confirmation, all cannot seep the inspection with by the inspection positive communication trace, and therefore achieves the ability, the quality and the performance omni-directional promotion.
4.4Performance inspection and the quality appraised should be played equal attention
The performances examination and critique aims at the work which in the enterprise each staff undertakes, applies each kind scientific qualitative and the quota method, to staff's actual behavior, the work effect and its carries on the inspection and the appraisal to enterprise’s contribution or the value, is overall assessment which to staff’s Germany, can, be industrious, twist. We not merely must pay great attention to the staff performance the performance, makes the contribution to the company, also must grasp staff's moral value orientation as necessary, their work manner and behavior performance.
In the real life, we are not difficult to discover certain staffs have talent non- Germany the phenomenon. Has not satisfied some aspect in the company the request or thought other enterprises have when the future changes job, carries off the massive customers, even is certain companies' core technologies, and often creates the company significant economic loss. Worked the legal system in our country at present was still in the serious not perfect situation, the condition was quite common. Advertises for in the process in the staff, we must pay attention to the moral character, but we can not but acknowledge, how is very difficult in the employment advertise face-to-face talk very short time to discover person's personal character. Therefore unceasingly is circulating in the performances management closed loop which, unceasingly promotes, while performance inspection, to staff's moral character, to company's loyalty, as wells the work manner and so on the non- quantification target has no alternative but to give to inspect and the management.
4.5Must have the unimpeded performances feedback and the appeal flow
The performances appraised the result the utilization lies in to staff’s rewards and punishment and the performances improve two aspects. Because exterior factor, or is the inspection with is been bad and so on the reason by the inspection communication, appraised and the face-to-face talk often can have certain deficiency, creates the direct economic loss conflict in the management process is unavoidable, in this kind of situation, the unimpeded performances feedback and the appeal flow plays extremely essential is making up the role. Regarding exists in the performances management process unfair or has loses the biased phenomenon, extremely needs the information the feedback, as well as when subsides staff’s disaffection, in order to avoid dampens their work enthusiasm.
The performances management, puts briefly is "the goal +communication" process. Had the explicit goal, carries out and achieves the goal the process, are the communication and the feedback process which continues, unceasingly to strengthen. The 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.751com.cn/
In summary, the performances management is a quite complex systems engineering, it already needs the high level superintendent to propose the explicit strategic target and the force impetus, also needs the intermediate deck superintendent as well as the entire recuperation staff’s joint effort, it already needs the staff fully to understand, also needs staff's unremitting endeavor, from the work manner, the values orientation, the work diligently direction and so on all want to perform to adjust and the promotion as necessary. In the business management aspect, our country has not formed still the quite complete suitable our country national condition the management theory, the author was only in some work experience, only was some shallow ideas, the performances management foundationally takes business management but the count for much work still to need us to explore, the summary together.

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