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员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第10页

更新时间:2010-6-3:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第10页
5.3.3 Interface design
The system interface was designed considering system usability. It allows users to input data by simply sliding a number bar, making their choice from the list or key in numbers directly. presents the design of system interface of the CATS. Since the CATS is a web-based application, it can operate with any Internet browser. The arranged courses are listed on the right part of the screen with total training time needed in minutes. Users of the system can click on title of the scheduled course to view the course material or click on view button to bring up the menu of all arranged courses and start the training section.辣文论文网毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ 论文网http://www.751com.cn/

6 Conclusion
The main objective of this study is to construct an optimal course arrangement model, and to develop a prototype of CATS. We studied curriculum arrangement methods and framework in an adaptive training system. An optimal curriculum arrangement model with GA solution process is proposed. A CATS for maintenance representative training was developed to facilitate personnel training in the machine tool industry. With the building of the CATS, the training tasks of maintenance representatives in the machine tool industry become more effective and efficient. The scheduling time for a training section was shortened from several hours to 5 min with the aid of the CATS. The effectiveness was reported by system user as satisfactory and promising. In short, the significance of this research is as follows: (1) investigating the characteristics of employee training of maintenance representatives and the characteristics of training course, (2) constructing optimal course arrangement model with Genetic Algorithms as rapid solution procedures, and (3) developing a computer aided training system with the ability of training planning, execution, and management.
As for the continuation of the exploitable and extendable part of this study, we are seeking ways to improve some features of the CATS: (1) The course attribute value is not easy to determine. Methods to set appropriate course attribute value deserve in-depth investigation. (2) Each trainee has a different background and knowledge level, and the ability to absorb knowledge from different types of presentation is also different. Therefore, adjusting the attribute values of each course according to each unique trainee might help increase training effectiveness. (3) The complete and solid design of course materials is necessary in the CATS. Companies adapting the CATS with rigid course materials will increase training performance.

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