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员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-3:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第5页
An adaptive scheduling system with genetic algorithms forarranging employee training programs
An outstanding human resources system is one of the important competitive factors in modern enterprises. Employee training is a frequently used method for promoting the working capabilities for better human resources. Employee training programs cultivate personnel capabilities for enterprise operation. The training effect can be dramatically enhanced if curriculum is well designed and arranged. However, arranging curriculum is a difficult and lengthy task which enterprises traditionally devote a large amount of human and material resources to. We improved the process by proposing an optimal curriculum arrangement model in maintenance personnel training programs, and utilizing genetic algorithms as solution procedures. An adaptive computer aided training system for maintenance representative training was also developed to facilitate personnel training for machine tool industry.
Keywords: Curriculum scheduling; Optimization models; Genetic algorithms; Computer aided training system
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In modern enterprises, an outstanding human resources system is an important competitive factor, and employee training is a key method for promoting the working capabilities for better human resources. In order to operate a business for sustainable development, the employees training activity is crucial (Liang, 1994). The issue of employee training in enterprises originated from the concept of human resource development (Lin, 1994). Human resource development is not only a kind of quality improvement for human resources, but also the way of increasing organizational efficiency, productivity and profit. In addition, employee training can inspire human capability, increase staff accomplishments, and raise individual and organizational effect. Employee knowledge, techniques, and capability can be improved by employee training and educational learning activities (House, 1967).
From the viewpoint of modern education training, which emphasizing individual differences and diversity, traditional training styles neither meet the requirements nor make an efficient enterprise training program (House, 1967). The traditional methods of education and training focus on verbal training of beginners by experienced employees. These methods are time-consuming and inefficient, therefore, especially for frequent employee turnover, instruction with experienced employees is hardly practical.
Since computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced in 1960, its development has gradually shifted from repeated teaching system to intelligent tutoring system (ITS) and individualized instruction (Farley, 1981). Yan (1995) contends CAI that systems which adjust the quantity of the instructional materials are better than those which do not. Ross (1984) also states that an adjustment system that controls the quantity of instructional material can increase teaching efficiency, and with the strategy of instructional material control, the controlled system is better than one that is self-controlled by the trainees, which does not provide diagnosis or suggestions. In the self-controlled system, the trainees control the learning course without the benefit of experience, not knowing their own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the course scheduling system can also become personalized and popularized through the Internet, utilizing web browsers to provide channels for systematic interactions (Lin, 1998).
Many specialists believe that the effects of training can be dramatically enhanced if a curriculum is well designed. In training systems, scheduling adequacy is crucial to the system. Specifically, the ability to schedule appropriate training courses is an important function of a training system. By utilizing reasonable functions of the training program, such as adaptive course arrangement, this training system can be more practical. Therefore, we intended to focus on appropriate course scheduling and arrangement.
The Taiwanese machine tool industry is one of the most important industrial activities on the island. However, employee training for most companies in this sector was performed in conventional means. There is no systematic course scheduling mechanism utilized in the training practice, which results in time-consuming processes and less training achievement.
In this study, the maintenance personnel training in machine tool industry was taken to illustrate the formulation of mathematical models. The optimization model we proposed is capable of handling training course scheduling, which provides optimal course combination for triggering adequate training materials. The training programs of the machine tool industry are collected and organized as well. The objective of this study is threefold: (1) to construct a mathematical model with adequate course arrangement, (2) to solve the model with genetic algorithms for obtaining optimal results, and (3) to develop a computer aided training system to facilitate personnel training in the machine tool industry.

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