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员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第6页

更新时间:2010-6-3:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第6页
2 Literature review
In order to search for suitable training course that meets individual needs, this study discusses the scheduling of training courses, the attributes of courses, the construction of a scheduling model, and GA, which was utilized to solve the model.
2.1 Scheduling and selection of course
Many studies have been found in the literature that deals with course selection and scheduling in training programs. Chiou (2002) stated that course scheduling is a complicated issue and is an NP-Complete problem. There is no optimal solution in the programming search area. Lin (1998) contended that the complexity and difficulty of the course scheduling is caused by the uncertainty of the correlation between the resource limitations and multiple constraints. The issue of course scheduling is a Constrain Satisfaction Problem, CSP, which obtains sufficiently feasible solutions but has difficulty reaching the optimal solutions. Alvarez-Valdes, Enric, and Tamarit (2002) designed and implemented a course scheduling system with Tabu search algorithm. Yan (1995) suggested a dynamic instruction strategy system after designing the learning flow of the computer assisted learning system for students, analyzed the addition operation within 1000, and built complete instructional materials for the addition operation. Yan also used fuzzy set theory to provide the qualified grading method for teachers, while using GA to modify the learning flow. That dynamically adjustable learning flow system can control the quantity, sequence and content of the instructional materials, according to the needs of the students, which realizes the educational goal of individualized teaching. This method is more appropriate for the procedural courses. However, it is still difficult-to-reality in maintenance personnel train programs since it is time-consuming. This method requires a test immediately after the course is taken, and with the test results, the system modifies the structure of the instructional materials. The system then uses genetic algorithms to search for the next suitable course. However, it needs much time to achieve good results while the number of course unit getting large. Besides, since the personnel training courses mostly are not procedural, this method is not suitable to be utilized for training purposes.
Lin, Wu et al., 1998 and Lin, Hu, et al., 1998 suggested the use of fuzzy set theory to select training courses. They considered the factors of the emotion and ability of the trainees, using the characteristic of the fuzzy set theory in accordance with the factors of emotion and ability to modify the attribute values of the course (such as training period), and recommend a course sequence. Their research overlooked the procedure of the training, and could not meet the demand for the course preparation.
Chiou (2002) used genetic algorithms to solve a mathematical model for structured course scheduling, and suggested a unique bi-matrix, according to heuristics, to produce solutions that initially satisfied requirements. Based on the requirement for model adjustment, Chiou applied genetic search procedures for finding optimal solutions, demonstrating the great search ability and efficiency of GA. However, Chiou’s approach did not take the course attributes into account. 辣文论文网毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ 论文网http://www.751com.cn/
2.2 Employee education and training
The ideal policy of the employee training of an enterprise should cover education, training and development. In accordance with concept of life-long learning, employee training programs need systematic planning and proper course design. Education refers to focusing on the potential needs of the enterprise, and through long-term training, helping the individual gain general knowledge. Training should emphasize the immediate needs of the enterprise, help the individual obtain professional knowledge according to the concept of “learn now and apply immediately.” Development means to broaden the ideas and increase the ability as a whole through long-term cultivation (Liu & Lee, 1995).
Matsushita Konosuke, a famous Japanese manager, once said: “Foster people before making products (Lin, 1998).” Because people are the basic element of the enterprise activities, many visionary managers or administrators, in addition to focusing on the achievement of the short-term mission goals, under the circumstances of limited time and funding, are committed to increase the quality of the human resource (Weaver, 1988). The education and training directors vary by the scale of the enterprise, departmental categories and the directions of the managers. Generally, enterprises with a larger scale have the independent departments to hold organized and systematic training for all employees. The training lecturers are both internal and external corporation. The internal lecturers are responsible for the internal training of the company, while the external lecturers for the external training. The training scope includes employee special technology, skills and knowledge development, attitude changing, motivational education and the improvement of working-willingness. The subjects of the training are hierarchically separated as managing level, supervising level and operating level. In addition, the methods of training are categorized as on-the-job training (OJT), off-the-job training (Off-JT), and self-development (SD) (Lin, Chang, Tsai, & Perng, 1996). We focused on the training of the operating level employees only. That is, the model of training program arrangement was considered and formulated for operator-level employee training under OFF-JT environment.
2.3 The computer technique for education and training
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was developed in the 1950s, using second-generation computer as tools. In 1960, the PLATO system of the University of Illinois was a CAI system for student education. In the 1960s, it developed branch programs that, according to the levels and reactions of the students, enabled self-control for flow of the instructional materials and selection of the learning materials, moving toward the individualized teaching. However, the users were limited to students in universities, a few companies and military facilities. In the 1970s, with the increasing use of microcomputers, the development of CAI system became popular (Ho, 1994). Cloete (2001) defined an electronic educational system model (EES model) as being one that assisted designers of different e-learning settings to plan and implement a specific learning situation, with the focus on the individual requirements and milieu of the learning group. The EES model is composed of four layers, each consists of different components addressing issues specific to each layer. When constructing a learning situation, the planners, schedulers and facilitators come together with a clear view of their particular learning situation in mind. They then use

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