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员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第9页

更新时间:2010-6-3:  来源:毕业论文
员工培训排课系统遗传算法英文文献翻译 第9页
5.1.2 Essential elements of the interview
In-depth interviews were conducted to build up an information system for dealing with training course arrangement to solve most of the problems mentioned above. The major investigation was as follows: (1) basic information about the interviewed company, (2) the company situation with regard to computer and networking usage for employee training, (3) the present process and condition of employee training, and (4) the demand for CATS for maintenance personnel.
The interview conclusions were as follows: (1) the available time of the maintenance representative is limited; (2) the maintenance representatives should be better capable of handling all kinds of repair tasks; (3) no course scheduling mechanism was currently used; and (4) the industry urgently needs a CATS to handle course arrangement and to enhance training effectiveness. The interview material also uncovered many key factors and concerns for developing such a system. The operational practice, system analysis and system development are discussed in detail in the rest of this paper. 辣文论文网毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ 论文网http://www.751com.cn/
5.2 System analysis
The industry is not currently using CATSs to help train maintenance personnel, nor for further analysis of training information. The realization of the urgent need of the industry stimulated the development of a CATS. Developing a CATS is largely an attempt to foster effective employee training. With the aid of a CATS, the employee training will be completed more efficiently and effectively. This can help customers thus consequently promoting customer royalty and increasing customer satisfaction.
Before constructing the CATS, the operation of the training course arrangement for maintenance representatives should be investigated. According to Lin, Wu et al., 1998 and Lin, Hu, et al., 1998, course arrangement management (CAM) system is a major subsystem for developing a computer managed instruction system in the machine tool sector. The authors also stated that the information of course arrangement is with reference to the course categories and importance of the training course. As a result, we developed and divided the CATS into four major modules, namely, user interface module, GA-based course arrangement module, training strategies module, and database management module, as illustrated in Fig. 3. General course arrangement for maintenance personnel in a CAM system are performed on the basis of the following requirements: (1) by demand and reactions of the customers, (2) by mission of the company, (3) by job functions or job responsibilities, (4) by newly released product, and (5) by individual needs. 
5.3 System development
The prototype system was developed using many software packages: Access, Visual Basic, and Active Server Pages (ASP). Access was utilized to design the database. Visual Basic was used to construct the user interface. ASP facilitated connection of the system database and course materials, while integrating the whole system. The prototype of CATS is running on a web server with Windows operation system in a local machine tool manufacturer. After test activity and system refinement, the performance of the system is promising.
5.3.1 Operation configuration 
The CATS is configured for installation at the manufacturer’s site with database applications installed. The system users are primarily maintenance personnel of the machine tool manufacturer. The CATS database is updated while the system receives commands from users or generates computational results. After executing the arrangement module, the system responds to the users with the list of arranged material, which users can view its content by activating an Internet browser.
5.3.2 Database design
The design of a database for the prototype system is mainly based on relational database with Access. The setting of primary keys and database normalization are inevitable for implementing a database application system successfully. The primary key is a field that uniquely describes each record. In the course arrangement management system, for instance, the course ID number is set to be the primary key in the data table storing course information. This field is unique and generated by the system automatically. There are five major tables used in the CATS, including trainee table, GA parameter table, course table, requirement table, and arrangement table.

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