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会展展览业论文参考文献及英文文献翻译 第7页

更新时间:2010-6-14:  来源:毕业论文
会展展览业论文参考文献及英文文献翻译 第7页
Before 9 months, you should obtain the design permit from the organizer. Contact your actual and potential customers by e-mail and invite them to visit your stand. Practice has shown that those who invite customers actively can achieve better exhibit and trade effect than those who are passively waiting for customers. Recent research has shown that 83 percent of the most successful exhibitors (in terms of business generated and leads collected) had mailed their customers and prospects before the show (Source: Center for Exhibition Industry Research). You can send your own lists to pre-registrants by e-mail including a ticket and a covering letter, giving them particular reasons to visit your stand.
Six months back, carry through promotion and pay for spatial charge and other service in advance (you can choose online bank), speak for advertising promotion from service contractors and organizer. Most companies have their own Web sites, and these are increasingly being used by visitors to plan their visit and maximize their time at show. Since more and more exhibition sponsors provide links between exhibitors and exhibition Web Pages,
exhibitors can improve their companies’ and Web Pages’s reputation and visitors can put technology question online or make an appointment with exhibitors. In order to make full use of this promotion opportunity, exhibitors can put product photograph and list their exhibition schedule on Web Pages. The photograph can also help visitors to recognize exhibitors on spot. At the same time, exhibitors can upload product demonstration for visitors to know their product first and go to exhibition hall to obtain the detailed information later. Take advantage of all publicity opportunities including catalogue/directory entries, news pages, banner advertising and hyperlinks
to your own site. Exhibitions should be treated as an integral part of your marketing effort not as isolated events on the marketing calendar. Use the event to re-enforce themes running in all media; put “see us at stand. . .” flashes on existing advertising. The essentials to ensure the exhibit effect is “choose carefully, decide timely, prepare cannily and consummate follow-up”.
Before 3 months, track product promotion activities.
During the exhibition period, by reason of the fact that the product security system is in the charge of exhibitors and organizer does not answer for any accident that will happen in the exhibition hall like theft, pilferage, fire and so on, and exhibitors should insure that all the products are in transit or on exhibit. Transit of products can be consigned to transportation companies. These can be completed on the net. The exhibit listing that is sent to custom in duplicate, the inspection and 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/, exhibitors can realize a set of service including insurance, applying to customs, commodity inspection and transportation by e-commerce. During exhibition, exhibitors should send the information about customer and potential business opportunity back to company by e-mail so that the company can handle the information and make response timely.
After exhibition, exhibitors may send thanks card by e-mail. The exhibition may be over, but the job is only two-thirds done. Enquiries must be followed-up, leads tracked, results measured and performance evaluated if you want to ensure a good return on your investment and improve your participation next time around.
4  Conclusion
It is concluded here that the combination of e-commerce and exhibition industry is certain because of their respective character that is mutually supplementary. In detail, exhibition industry can apply e-commerce comprehensively and effectively from three aspects: exhibition guild, exhibition organizer and exhibitor. By using e-commerce, exhibition industry can settle business problem effectively, to improve management, to decrease cost largely and to catch market opportunity rapidly, hence establish a long-term, profitable business pattern. E-commerce simplifies actual exhibition mechanism, decreases expenditure, saves time, improves competitiveness and boosts its rapid development. We believe that e-commerce is a newborn thing that has strong vital force. It will work on the exhibition industry continually. Enormous economic and social benefit will be generated owing to the combination of e-commerce and exhibition industry. How to accelerate their effective combination actively is an important question for discussion in the near future.

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