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计算机网络英文文献和vb数据库外文文献 第6页

更新时间:2010-6-17:  来源:毕业论文
计算机网络英文文献和vb数据库外文文献 第6页
merit and so on seal, hideaway as well as code pre- translation, reduced network load, maintenance convenience, therefore does by many RDBMS and the programming tool the support. In VB each 类数 also provides to saves the process according to the object the support.

---- We as regularly explain its realization take ADO the step

---- 1. Foundation, debugging memory process. You may also be allowed to hang the procedure in the database outside other under the support carry on the memory process the foundation and the debugging work. In this example memory process code is as follows (uses in PUBS MS SQL the example storehouse):

@job_id smallint,
@job_lvl tinyint
FROM employee
WHERE job_id < @job_id
AND job_lvl > @job_lvl

---- 2. Produces one new project in VB, the project has one window, one COMMAND (NAME: COMMAND1) button, one MSFlexGrid (NAME: MSFlexGrid1) controls.
---- 3. The foundation connects ADO connection;

---- 4. The foundation orders ADO command;

---- 5. The foundation parameter and establishes each parameter the attribute;

---- 6. Carries out ADO command;

---- 7. The logarithm according to carries on processing; MSFlexGrid demonstrates inquires data

---- 8. The release connects, withdrawal procedure.

---- Code as follows:

States below the variable in the window:
Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection ' connects
Dim mycommand As ADODB.Command ' orders
Dim parm_jobid As ADODB.Parameter ' parameter 1
Dim parm_joblvl As ADODB.Parameter ' parameter 2
Dim rstByQuery As ADODB.Recordset ' result collection
Dim strCnn As String ' connection character string

Joins the following code in the window LOAD event:
strCnn = \ " DSN=MYDSN; uid=sa; pwd=\ "
' Foundation system data pool MYDSN aims at the PUBS database
cnn1.Open strCnn ' opens connects
Joins the code as follows in window UNLOAD:
cnn1.Close ' the closure connects
Set cnn1 = Nothing ' the release connects

In button code as follows:
Dim i As integer
Dim j as integer
Set parm_jobid = New ADODB.Parameter
Set mycommand = New ADODB.Command
\' parm_jobid.Name = \ " name1\ "
this line can be ommited
parm_jobid.Type = adInteger '

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