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关于圣经的论文 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-25:  来源:毕业论文
which to determine what the communicator wanted to communicate. Suppose ,for example ,I have met a former classmate by the name of John Smith whom I had not seen for many years .Let us assume further that I want to share this information with a friend of mine who had been a classmate of John’s together with me .I could simply say to my friend :I met John Smith today .
Now it is likely my friend wo毕业论文http://www.751com.cnuld find it difficult to work out which John Smith I was referring to. Given that he had not thought about this individual for many years .In fact, given that John Smith is very common other than our common classmate from private school years, Perhaps a business friend by the same name ,and so misunderstanding would likely to arise. Do you remember John Smith, the fellow we used to tease away back in our school days? I met him yesterday.
Those introductory would guide the hearer in searching his memory for the intended referent and hence considerably ease his processing load .To be consistent with the principle of relevance, an utterance must achieve them .In the circumstances described, would be consistent with the principle of the relevance, whereas would not.
Adaptation Theory
Adaptation Theory was proposed in Pragmatic as a Theory of Linguistic Adaptation (Verschueren, 1987). This theory proposes that making adaptation is the key to creatures in their process of solving and gaining the dynamic balance between the environment and themselves. In terms of language using, a process of adaptation, human beings "make negotiable linguistic choices from a variable range of possibilities in such a way as to approach of satisfaction for communicative needs (Vershcueren, 1999:61) and in the long run contribute to the survival of human beings”
Verschueren (1999:58) claims that there are at least three hierarchically related key notions which are needed in the understanding of the process of "choices making" as the base-line description of language use. They are variability, negotiability and adaptability:
The concept of variability may be associated with what is traditionally called "variety of languages", whether defined geographically, socially, or functionally.
Yet it is meant to cover the entire range of variable options that must be assumed to be accessible to language users for them to be able to make choices. Definable as a language property, it denotes the range of possibility from which choices can be made (Verschueren, 1999:59).
Negotiability is defined as "the property of language responsible for the fact that choices are not made mechanically or according to strict rules or fixed form-function relationship, Verschueren, but rather on the basis of highly flexible principles and strategies."(1999:59).
Adaptability means the property of language which enables human beings to make negotiable choices from a variable range of possibilities in such a way as to approach points of satisfaction for communicative needs. This property makes language a most important tool for human life and survival. Yet we need to realize that communicative success is a matter of degree and that there exist chances of communicative failures. On the one hand, language alone does not guarantee communicative success. On the other hand, not all language users can make proper linguistic adaptations.
However, Adaptation theory gives a relatively weak account for the sufficiency of theoretical explanation. Verschueren argues that the universality of adaptability and the so-called linguistic competence innateness are incompatible. Adaptability, according to Verschueren, is not based on an individual's innate linguistic competence that is a genetically based, autonomous and component of mental structure, but relies on the "mind in society" that combines the social factors with the 19th theoretical framework and therefore lacks the detail description of the process of seeking relevance; Adaptation Theory gives us a detail and thorough description of the process of choice-making in communication, but it does not have a general principle that governs its operation of choice-making and meanwhile it lacks a theoretical support for its claims.
Due to the lack of a coherent and comprehensive framework of language use in all these communicative models above, it is necessary to resort to other alternatives.
Relevance-Adaptation Theoretic Approach to Translation
On the basis of RT and AT as well as other related researches, a tentative proposal of RATA is made to do research on Chinese Bible translation by analyzing the reprehensive version ---CUV and TCV and propose the theoretical strategies in the perspective of linguistics. This approach is a new cross-cultural theoretical paradigm. My paper means to prove the translating is both a relevance-seeking, ostensive-inferential process and dynamically adjusting process. Since both RT and AT have m毕业论文http://www.751com.cnerits and demerits respectively, the great interpretative power of RT and the concrete descriptive power of AT can overcome their respective weak points by .learning from each other's strong points. Therefore, the Relevance-Adaptation approach can be categorized as a theory of cognition as well as a theory of communication. Combined ostensive-inferential relevance with dynamic adaptability, an integration of RT with AT----RATA will bring a bright prospect for the study of the translation process.

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