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绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第4页

更新时间:2010-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
Performance Assessment
At school, the examination was prompted students to study hard in an important means? The answer is yes. Students examinations and results are announced, will motivate the students to study hard to get good results. Conversely, if not the conduct of examinations, or merely passing score and for failing two grades learning for students is a matter of indifference, or if they can pass on it.
The same reasoning applies to enterprises and employees to work is assessed performance appraisal. The performance evaluation of the performance incentive, examination results were outstanding because of their work performance and behavior of the leadership and colleagues of affirmation. or win an award greatly encouraged by those in poor examination results will be unhappy and some pressure, others may be because the two different feelings of the people were infected. Attempt to make efforts to promote good staff performance objectives.
 As the examination of teaching baton with the same role, performance evaluation of the manager and staff behavior also plays a major role. Take any performance appraisal, managers on what to staff on what to do. Not the assessment, managers ignored, the staff will do. At school, the students academic requirements are relatively simple. passed the examination can be毕业论文http://www.751com.cnrlooked for the work and creative work; If not true and accurate evaluation of the work of its staff Performance appraisal not only failed itself, which will create other negative impacts.
5.1Performance testing content
   As a school examination on the role of teaching the baton, the performance evaluation on the contents of the conduct also has an important impact. Performance Assessment to be assessed what? The three most common are : performance, behavior and personal qualities.
5.1.1  Performance
Most enterprises more concerned about the staff's job performance, rather than the characteristics of the staff and his work-out, therefore, Performance appraisal Performance evaluation is the most important content. Performance evaluation guide staff for their work directly at the target enterprise's objectives.
When performance can be quantified or measured, such as sales and the development of new clients, output, production efficiency, adverse goods rates, the performance will undoubtedly be the focus assessed. However, the performance will be a one-sided unde本文来自辣文论文网rstanding of the output results will be a bit of a problem. First, beyond the personal control of the factors that may affect his performance. For example, assessment of the performance of production workers, should not be overlooked some machines other than the fact that the new machines; Members of the assessment center performance should not be neglected different regional sales potential of different facts. These allow employees to their ability to control the factors responsible is not fair. Moreover, the mere concern output results may encourage short-term behavior of the staff, and ignored the long-term consequences. For example, the production sector staff may be in order to increase output and neglected maintenance of the equipment.
In fact, no work will be associated with the others, the mere examination output and sales is not enough. If, in addition to output the results of the factors are also important, they should be added to the content examination. Under normal circumstances, output results and the achievement of the results of the method or process of performance appraisal should be concerned.
5.1.2  Work behavior
In many cases, it is difficult to determine directly attributed to the work of the staff of concrete results, posts for staff functions and work groups belonging to a part of the staff is particularly true. In the latter case, the groups may be easier to evaluate performance. But every group member's contribution would be difficult or even impossible to clearly separate areas. In such circumstances, the work of the staff conduct examination is a very natural thing.
Output is not good results come knocking on the door, but staff of the results of the action taken. Work conduct examinations to staff clear which actions are effective, which is not acceptable. specify the duties of the staff. Sometimes the work conduct evaluation of outputs than the results of a more comprehensive examination, but also more accurate. It is not only the examination can be controlled by the staff, but also the employees should clarify what measures to take to achieve a good result outputs.
5.1.3  Personal qualities
Personal qualities refers to a person in different contexts displayed some of the lasting stability characteristics, such as honesty, loyalty, reliability, obedient and good attitude, initiative and sense of responsibility, hard work, cooperation, courage, ambition, experience and shy, shrinking, the lazy, and so on. Personal characteristics is the three assessed the weakest one, but the application is very extensive. The reason why it than work performance and acts weak, because it is the farthest away from the performance, as loyal, reliable, good attitude, The hard-working, experienced such characteristics is not necessarily a good performance with a high degree of correlation. But we can not ignore the fact that the personal qualities are often used to staff performance appraisal standards. In many cases, personal qualities even in performance appraisal plays a key role due to their own staff with the personal qualities of leadership and the 1980, performance evaluation is to find grounds for such recognition.
Personal characteristics and performance in the relationship between an intermediate variables -- job requirements should pay attention to the individual characteristics and requirements of the work coordinated. The staff of the satisfaction and mobility depends on their personal inclinations and occupational characteristics of the match, When personal and professional qualities to match, they would bring a higher degree of satisfaction and lower liquidity preference, turn higher performance.

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