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绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第5页

更新时间:2010-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第5页
5.2Examination of the source of the information
Who will be on staff performance appraisal? Certainly it seems that the staff should be superior. The reason is managers is an important本文来自辣文论文网 work of evaluating the work of subordinates, because of their subordinate managers responsible for the performance, Only by them on staff performance evaluation will be meaningful. But this logic may be wrong, in fact only by superiors to do this work is not enough, in conjunction with other people's evaluations, the results of the exam to make it more comprehensive and accurate.
5.2.1  Supervisor evaluation
Although only by the supervisors to assess performance is not adequate, but still superior performance appraisal is the most important 毕业论文http://www.751com.cnby their superiors is the embodiment of power, if not superior evaluation of the work of the staff, but what their also superiors for?
But supervisors for performance evaluation has also exist flaws that can not be ignored. The examination supervisor will usually be biased adversely affected, resulting in lower credibility. Superior to a large extent depend on the assessment that the work of the staff what to do rather than actually doing what. Usually considered superior to the staff in evaluating the consequences, which led to the examination supervisor is an emotional process. thus weaken the assessment of objectivity and accuracy. Employees have always felt that the supervisors for their work with the evaluation is subjective and biased.
5.2.2  Members assessment
Colleagues said here including the assessment team who lie or other members of the department, or organizations with the assessment, who were not in the same department, but at the same level and with the examination were often working relationship with the staff, This latter sometimes referred to as the assessment by the internal customers. Members often than other examination conducted by the higher assessment credibility.
Members can access other than examination were more job-related information, They were right assessment of performance can have a comprehensive view. Supervisors often see staff is fully displayed their merits, and colleagues were able to see the actual situation. Assessment of colleagues who make substantial independent evaluation possible, Several assessment than the average individual assessment is usually more reliable. More use of the assessment will help eliminate error, the assessment will provide a more stable results relative to the examination of a single evaluation, its prejudices and less inclined special.
Members assessment should be used anonymous manner, so that examination would not have to worry about those with damage assessment of the relations, to be frank appraisal done. And the examination supervisor at the desire to avoid the assessment by the conflict they are often too broad assessment.
Members of the r本文来自辣文论文网elationship between the there is a competitive, and other factors will affect the outcome of the examination colleagues credibility.
The relationship between of the Members, there is a competitive, and other factors will affect the outcome of the examination colleagues credibility.
5.2.3  Under examination
Subordinate appraisal of the other examination as a supplement to provide a bottom-up evaluation of the performance angle. Under examination should normally be limited to the "right of management", under the appropriate evaluation will include leadership, communication, and authorization team-building, right under the care, and to plan, organize, budget, creativity, content analysis capability shall not apply to subordinate appraisal.
Subordinate appraisal of subordinates and supervisors to discuss and resolve issues of common concern for the opportunity managers can change the style of work and improve its working methods, thus facilitating efficient team building.

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