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绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第6页

更新时间:2010-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第6页
But under examination in enterprise performance evaluation using less. From the boss's point of view, they are worried that their subordinates assessment will undermine their credibility, together with subordinate supervisors to deal with the risks they were reluctant to establish such a performance appraisal system; From the perspective of subordinates, They will think that 毕业论文http://www.751com.cntoo little, we must avoid the use of this assessment, let subordinates was "in the number of security."
5.2.4  Self-examination
Let the staff evaluation of their work, and self-management and authorization concept is the same. When hope to increase staff in the performance management participation, self-examination is very useful. Self-examination can usually be welcomed by the staff, employees contribute to the elimination of the assessment process are inconsistent to supervisors and staff on performance issues to communicate.
Clearly, as most people have too much ability to evaluate the tendency to self-assessment of the performance results easily be exaggerated. and inevitable self-service prejudice. Therefore, the need for self-examination and other usually combine examination, the examination of other supplementary and reference but only for the general staff's self-development program, but not to pay, promotion and other management purposes.
5.2.5  Comprehensive assessment
    As mentioned above, the examination has its own advantages and limitations, it might bring them together. provide a full range of integrated assessment. Comprehensive assessment Apart from the above-mentioned examination supervisors, colleagues examination, and self-assessment under the assessment, customers may also include assessment, the supplier evaluation, external evaluation, and other professionals. According to need, with the examination are working relationship on the examination have contacts in all aspects as personnel were involved in the evaluation of the examination work, a comprehensive assessment of the assessment was of achievement. Sometimes this assessment referred to as "360-degree assessment."
    Although the "360-degree 本文来自辣文论文网assessment" can be used for the development and management purposes. However, the recently introduced evaluation of the enterprise can start with the only purpose of the development concerns began. Staff may be because all unite to evaluate themselves feel uneasy. If only for the development of assessment and counseling, and pay and promotions has nothing to do, the staff will gradually become accustomed to this process. may also be from different sources to obtain information.
5.3Performance Assessment Tools
Below on the performance appraisal of some commonly used tools, businesses can choose according to the need to adopt.
5.3.1  Description Act
The most common and simplest method of performance appraisal is to write a short article describing the work of the staff performance, behavior merits. shortcomings, and the potential to improve the proposals. This method can be identified by examination of the unique characteristics of those who, when asked the supervisors on staff strengths and weaknesses, special talents, the possibility of promotion for the note, the advantages of this approach had been demonstrated. The shortcomings of this approach is that each one of the staff to write an accurate description of the characteristics of the report is a lot of time, Usually, this is not the business of each of competent managers. In addition, Description Act with the performance appraisal of the results depends to a great extent on the evaluation were assessment of subjective impressions, and assessment of writing and the method of writing skills.

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