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绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第7页

更新时间:2010-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第7页
5.3.2  Critical incident Act
Critical incident Performance Assessment Act will focus attention on those who have been particularly active in the work and in particular the negative impact of key actors on. One pair of work has been particularly active in the example, a garment factory security guards working in factories and found a hot bucket without electricity, hot bucket power outages, 毕业论文http://www.751com.cnwhat conduct is to promote the kind of conduct which is the need to improve.
Use of key events, one can develop with the staff linked to the performance of key actors list for performance evaluation. This method gives each a dozen jobs to dozens of key projects, assessment only require inspection staff in a project on whether outstanding performance.
Key events list of projects are often given scores and given different weights, said some projects important than other projects, and this can be a quantifiable results of the exam.
5.3.3  Behavior Scale Rating Scale
Behavior Scale Rating Scale used s本文来自辣文论文网pecific behavior characteristics of each expression to describe the standards of conduct differences. Here, the behavior characteristics of each specific indication of the extent of the, called "scale." Behavior Rating Scale for scale direct examination of specific acts grading and assessment criteria, such as outstanding, excellent, good, fair, unacceptable.
Behavior Rating Scale major scale evaluation of those clear, observable, measurable duties.
Behavior Rating Scale of scale advantages, because the scale of each standard scale is used to express specific acts. easy for the staff to understand and make a simple assessment. In addition, the behavior rating scale can scale to provide the necessary staff to improve the message is conducive to staff motivation and performance counseling.
5.3.4  Observation Scale
Behavior Scale and behavioral observation scale rating scale similar because they are based on the key of the work, The difference is scale behavior rating scale for each record the characteristics of specific acts, Scale and behavioral observations were recorded by the acts of each of the observed frequencies.
Behavioral observation scale advantages of the examination is simple, and because of staff observation of the day-to-day work of the specific acts and help staff performance appraisal and understanding. In addition, behavioral observation scale positions itself as a statement of status or as a supplement to the manual, behavioral observation scale clear of specific jobs on the staff's behavior. Observation Scale shortcomings is to clearly distinguish between acts of frequency of multiple levels (usually occurring in the percentage frequency divided) is usually more difficult, although the observation of the day-to-day basis. But in the end often have to evaluate the subjective assessment. Also, the various acts with the same frequency standard evaluation is not very reasonable, for example, 90% of attendance is not good, and 90% of the monthly year member of the National Assembly have been maintained very well.
5.3.5  Relatively France
    France is relatively others with the level of performance compared to assess each person's level of performance, This is a relative rather than absolute assessment methods. Three commonly used methods of comparison are : Sub-order law, individuals sorting, matching Comparative Law.
    Group order requires employees to put a specific category, such as a best / worst 5 or 1 / 5. In recommending rewarding outstanding staff, used this method. Used this method to evaluate the staff need to evaluate all the subordinate. That way, when a manager is under 20, only four people standing in 1 / 5, of course, there are four

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