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绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第8页

更新时间:2010-6-29:  来源:毕业论文
绩效考核英文文献资料翻译及参考文献Performance Assessment 第8页
people in the last row of the 1 / 5.
Sort individuals is the best staff from the order sent to the worst, This method assumes that each staff between the two is the same as the difference, and not allow sub parallel. Thus, we will be able to clear the performance of employees discharged from the best of the worst order.
    Paired comparison in each of the staff members and all other staff to conduct the basis of comparative assessment staff. In this method two people in th本文来自辣文论文网e comparison decide the merits, and then compare the matching scores on the basis of Each staff reached a total score. This method enable each staff member working with the other one, but if a large number of employees, This comparison would be difficult to proceed.
Relatively Act or with a variety of other methods used in combination to accommodate relative and absolute merits of the assessment. For example, two employees in the performance assessment evaluations are B, and a staff in his department of 20 employees ranked No. 3. and the other staff members in his department staff of 25 ranked No. 15, it is clear that This explanation provided very valuable information.
5.3.6  Management by Objectives
Target Management is the Master of Management, along the Bidedelu. Management stressed that the objectives of the overall objectives into organizational units and individuals of a specific target. Management objectives through the design of a target under the organizat毕业论文http://www.751com.cnional level for the decomposition process so that organizational goals can be achieved. Right of individual employees, the management objectives set forth clear individual performance goals, therefore, Everyone on his unit's performance can be made clear and specific contributions. If all achieve their goals, the unit will be able to achieve objectives, the overall organizational goals will be achieved.
General management objectives are four components : specific goals, participation in decision-making, a clear time performance feedback.
The advantages of management by objectives is to allow individuals to understand their own efforts in the direction, which will inspire personal ent本文来自辣文论文网husiasm for the work. maximum play to their potential. Management objectives for the correct evaluation of a person's work performance for the basis According to enable organizations to completion of the goals and not solely on the basis of subjective impression managers of individual work to be evaluated.

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