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中小企业激励机制英文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-8-2:  来源:毕业论文
中小企业激励机制英文文献及翻译 第3页
 Problems of incentive mechanism in China’s small an medium-sized enterprises and their countermeasures
                    Zhi ping Zeng ,pu rong Zhou
(Business College,Hunan Normal University,Changsha,Hunan 410081,China)Abstract
This paper mainly analyzed the existent problems of incentive mechanism in China’s small and medium-sized enterprises and the reasons that the problems happened.Solutions of improving that mechanism in those enterprises were also explored from such aspects as material,spiritual and employees’ development stimulation and so on.
Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises,incentive mechanism, problem,countermeasure.
1 Problems of incentive mechanism in China’s small an medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)
What is called enterprise’s incentive mechanism?That means the enterprise through the material and spiritual means to create, inspire, satisfy the staff and maintain the enthusiasm, initiative, creativity of the basic conditions, thereby ensuring that the enterprises to achieve the desired objective function. At present, SMEs incentive mechanism following major issues.本文来自辣*文~论^文*网
1.1 A lack of proper institutional stimulation mechanism.
Incentive system is to guide and regulate the staff common goal-oriented behavior of the various measures combined.Staff is the life and treasure of the enterprise. A product from design to development, production, sales, is inseparable from the hard work of staff. Therefore,the enterprise  should have a comprehensive incentive system, this is the request of staff to do their job more well, and also to ensure the smooth realization of corporate goals of the system guarantee. But in some SMEs lack of rewards and punishments, the lack of a proper reward to the staff for the way lack of a clear standard, the incentive is very arbitrary, managers alone personal preferences and ethics of staff incentives, "a light Award, a heavy penalty, less commitment to honor "have occurred from time to time; In addition, the design of some SMEs pay unfair external competitiveness and chaotic financial management system. The existence of these conditions, so many employees work’s initiative, and creativity is smothered. Causing malicious increased competition and growth rate is not higher number of problems. Is it because the incentive is inappropriate and backwardness of the system.
1.2 Incentive mechanism lack of funding support.
Since most SMEs in capital accumulation of maturation relatively weak financial strength.In the face of large enterprises annual salary of thousands of dollars. Even millions to recruit talent is a masterpiece seems powerless.
1.3 Take the matter excitation毕业论文http://www.751com.cn  single material incentive. Enterprise managers ignored the study of incentives. They incentives are too single and ignore the material and spiritual rewards encourage the organic integration. Some enterprises also failed to staff needs analysis. All the people using the same incentives that is "across the board". They have not recognize the validity of incentives to different needs.The way of incentive just focus on material incentives, bonuses and dividends.But not focus on the staff of non-material incentives. The bottom employees are have not to buyed social insurance, work-related injury insurance. So they feel lack of security.The managers only cares about money incentive,but ignored concern of employees.The staff as enterprises "employee" to "exploiting" in concept,instead of enterprise employees as "members" truly care about and cherish them.
1.4 Copy large enterprise incentive model.
Incentive mechanisms are dynamic and source of enterprises.Incentive mechanism is not complete is to the development of SMEs poses a serious impact. Although some SMEs aware of the importance of incentives.But they did not from theyself reality,just copying large companies an incentive mechanism.So resulting in "crack". Incentive mechanism should be designed according to their actual conditions and make full use of small scale,and flexible structure to the advantage of the development of more effective incentive model.

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