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家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-3:  来源:毕业论文
家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第2页
Conflicts arise when roles assumed in one system intrude on roles in the other, when communication patterns used in one system are used in the other or when there are conflicts of interest between the two systems. For example, a conflict may arise between parent and child, between siblings or between a husband and wife when roles assumed in the business system carry over to the family system. The boss and employee roles a husband and wife might assume at work most likely will not be appropriate as at-home roles. Alternatively, a role assumed in the family may not work well in the business. For instance, offspring who are the peace makers at home may find themselves mediating management conflicts between family members whether or not they have the desire or qualifications to do so.
A special case of role carryover may occur when an individual is continually cast in a particular role. This happens primarily to children. Everyone grows up with a label: the good one, the black sheep, the smart one. While a person may outgrow a label, the family often perceives that person as still carrying the attribute. This perception may affect the way that person operates in the business.
Family communication patterns don't always affect the business, but when they do it can be very embarrassing. Often you say things to family members in a way you would never speak to other employees or managers. This problem is compounded when your communication is misread by the family member. Often parents are surprised by a son's or daughter's negative reaction to a business directive or performance evaluation. This reaction is probably because the individual perceived the instructions or evaluation as orders or criticism from Dad or Mom, not from the boss.
System overlap is apparent when conflicts of interest arise between the family and the business.Some families put personal concerns before business concerns instead of trying to achieve a balance between the two. It is important to understand that the family's strong emotional attachments and overriding sense of loyalty to each other create unique management situations. For example, solving a family problem, such as giving an unemployable or incompetent relative a position in the firm, ignores the company's personnel needs but meets the needs of family loyalty.
Another example of conflict of interest occurs when business owners feel that giving children equal salaries is fair. Siblings who have more responsibility but receive the same pay as those with less responsibility usually resent it. In cases of sibling rivalry, it isn't unusual for one sibling to withhold information from another or try to engage in power plays, i.e., behaviors that can be detrimental to the firm.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn Much of this behavior can be eliminated or managed by devising policies that meet the needs of both the family and the business. Developing these policies is part of the family strategic planning process. Before discussing them, you should make sure you have identified all the issues that need to be addressed.
Issues in the Family Business
The list below contains the issues that most family businesses face:
Participation -- who can participate in the family business and under what circumstances.
Leadership and ownership -- how to prepare the next generation to assume responsibility for the business.
Letting go -- how to help the entrepreneur let go of the family business.
Liquidity and estate taxes.
Attracting and retaining nonfamily executives.
Compensation of family members -- equality versus merit.
Successors -- who chooses and how to choose among multiple successors.
Strengthening family harmony.
All of these issues and the others you include in the Family Business Assessment Inventory can potentially cause business conflict and family stress. But there are three steps you can take to
manage conflict and stress in a family business:本文来自辣'文'论.文'网
Identify issues that may cause conflict and stress.
Discuss these issues with the family.
Devise a policy to address them.
A discussion of policy making, as well as establishing a forum conducive to it, will be addressed later, in the section Family Retreat.
Who Are the Actors?
The next consideration in understanding the family business is to understand the perspectives of those involved. Without this understanding, managing a family business will be difficult.
The actors in the family business can be divided into two groups: (1) family members and (2)nonfamily members. Each group has its own perspective and set of concerns and is capable of
exerting pressures within the family and the firm.
Family Members
Neither an Employee nor an Owner
Children and in-laws are usually in this group. Although they may not be part of the business operations, they can exert pressure within the family that affects the business. For example, children may resent the time a parent spends in the business. This creates a problem because parents usually develop guilt feelings as a result of their neglect and the resentment expressed by the children. Inlaws, on the other hand, are viewed either as outsiders and intruders or as allies and therefore are usually ignored or misunderstood. For example, a daughter-in-law is usually expected to support her husband's efforts in the business without a clear understanding of family or business dynamics.
She may contribute to family problems or find herself in the middle of a family struggle. The sonin-law faces similar, if not worse, problems. He may be placed in a competitive situation with his wife's brothers. If he isn't involved in the family business, he can still exert pressure on the business in his role as his wife's confidant.
An Employee but not an Owner This family member works in the business but does not have an ownership position. For this individual, conflict may arise for a number of reasons. For example, if he or she compares himself or herself to the family member who has an ownership position but is not an employee, a sense of inequity may result. The member may voice his or her resentment: I'm doing all the work, and they just sit back and get all the profits. Or resentment may occur when decisions are made by owners alone. Here, he or she may feel: I'm working here every day. I know how decisions are going to affect the company. Why didn't they ask me? Family members employed in or associated with a family business generally expect to be treated

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