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家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-8-3:  来源:毕业论文
家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第5页
Appendix C.
You may consider using a retreat facilitator, a professional experienced in helping family-owned businesses. The facilitator helps identify issues for discussion before the retreat and keeps the atmosphere nonconfrontational during the retreat. The facilitator does not solve the family's problems but guides the family in doing so.
The retreat is the beginning of a process. When a consensus is reached by the participants, policies should be set, courses of action planned and responsibility for implementation assigned. When agreement cannot be reached, further discussions should be planned, possibly with the continued assistance of the facilitator.
One important outcome of the retreat should be plans for periodic family meetings and retreats in the future, so the dialogue will continue. Open communications will enable the family to come to grips with problems and issues while they are fairly easy to solve. Once family members have reached a consensus on the continuity of the firm and their roles in it, you can begin planning for succession.CHOOSING A SUCCESSOR
Succession is the transferring of leadership to the next generation. It is a process rather than an event. While there is a time frame within which the transition will occur, the actual amount of time taken for the process is arbitrary. It will depend on you, your family and the type of business you are in. This is a difficult process for most family businesses. The failure to face and plan for succession has been termed the succession conspiracy by Ivan Landsberg (1988). He cites a number of forces that act against succession planning:
-- Fear of death.
-- Reluctance to let go of power and control.
-- Personal loss of identity.本文来自辣'文'论.文'网
-- Fear of losing work activity.
-- Feelings of jealousy and rivalry toward successor.
-- Founder's spouse's reluctance to let go of role in firm.
-- Norms against discussing family's future beyond lifetime of parents.
-- Norms against favoring siblings.
-- Fear of parental death.
-- Reluctance to let go of personal relationship with founder.
-- Fears of differentiating among key managers.
-- Reluctance to establish formal controls.
-- Fear of change
-- Founder's colleagues and friends continue to work.
-- Dependence of clients on founder.
-- Cultural values that discourage succession planning.
Overcoming the forces against succession planning requires the commitment of the family and employees of the business.
Succession occurs in four phases: initiation, selection, education and transition. A discussion of each phase follows.
The initiation phase is that period of time when the children learn about the family business. It occurs from the time the children are born. A child can receive either a positive or a negative impression of the family business. If parents bring home the negative aspects of the business, complaining about it and about employees and relatives, the children will view the business in a very poor light. Other ways to destroy children's interest in the business is to be secretive about it or to convey an unwelcome or a hands-off attitude. There are families in which children are welcome to join the family business, but no one has told them so.
Owners are often cautious about systematically conditioning their children to enter the family business, an attitude that stems primarily from their awareness of individual differences and their belief that their children should be free to select a career path. If you do want your children to enter the business, or at least have that as a career alternative, there are some steps you can take to initiate them into the firm. The first step in motivating your children is to be certain that is what you want.
Your lack of conviction about their involvement will be communicated to them. This may be
interpreted as doubt about their ability, about the viability of the business or about the potential of
the parent-child relationship to survive the strain of succession. Any of these situations can cause
your child to lose interest in the business.本文来自辣'文'论^文'网
Assuming your children know that you want them to enter the business, you should talk with them often and openly about it. Be realistic, but stress the positive aspects. Your business provides you with many positive experiences to share with your children. Your children should learn what values the business represents, what the business culture represents and where the business is headed.
Selection is the process of choosing who will be the firm's leader in the next generation. Of the
entire transition process, this can be the most difficult step, especially if you must choose among a number of children. Selecting a successor may be viewed by siblings as favoring one child over the others, a perception that can be disastrous to family well-being and sibling harmony. Owners select successors on the basis of age, sex, qualifications or performance. Because of the potential for emotional upheaval, some owners avoid the issue entirely, adopting an attitude of Let them figure it out when I'm gone.

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