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魔法保姆中英文读后感 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-11:  来源:毕业论文

  "When you do not need me, I will stay in your side; when you need me, I would have left." This sentence is a phrase I remember most clearly. Magic nanny, one extremely ugly woman appearance, but is full of magical magic power.

  Without taking into account the 7 aggravated and more show the naughty children, are still continuing their "conspiracy." All means to the bragging of the MC nany President "Tricky" go, "Brown is not a good home to stay in!" However, to make these naughty boy who never imagined that this obscure MC nany as is a magician miraculously escaped the general sorts of things difficult and trick them. Children were headed by the oldest not believe Simon is the immediate ordinary woman who looks even have such a capability. But whatever naughty children to do what tactics are fruitless, and afterwards in the event of some hatred for her from the beginning to the end trust.

  In the film, I remember MC nany said she would teach children five lessons: "polite to say 'please', get up in time to sleep? Learn to listen and hear other people say." I think, in fact, she is teaching the family how to communicate, how to unite as one, a happy life since the child's mother died, Mr. Brown has not talked to children and Hao Haode heart, to Play MC nany's really to save the situation there and help them to have to have to accept a stepmother. A nanny has ugly appearance, but has a good heart.

  In the film, I still clearly remember the horror of the "enthusiasm" of the woman, Mrs Quickly, mean, greedy, hypocritical, vicious, full of the opposite faction lack of training. In her third husband died, she can not wait to know Mr. Brown, known as "warm." When Mr. Brown invited her to his house guest at the time, in order to stop children playing a trick, Mr. Brown made some of their behavior, let the misunderstanding that Mr. Brown hopes of pressing with her (though the fact is , but he was forced to, and aunt ordered him to have to get married before the end). Mrs Quickly heart was the wish to accept, but the behavior that Mr. Brown was a pervert and never want to see him after that. What a hypocritical woman. Later, the children know that my father wanted to marry this woman is terrible to live together for themselves, think of her apology, she still would not accept their apology. However, she heard the child's aunt is a count of the time, immediately promised. 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn

  Similarly, within the film as a maid E, a good woman, like Mr. Brown, but because of their identity and knowledge to make my voice not only in life, Mr. Brown and his family lost no micro care. Later, she was posing as Mr. Brown's daughter, aunt instead of his children to the education side to accept depression as an educated lady.

  Good will eventually rewarded, while the wicked, there roost. In marriage at the last minute, Simon clever use of the "fake bees" approach to get rid of the Quickly, the maid asked the children under the E in recognition of his own heart, and despite the objections aunt, and Mr. Brown married, become children's good stepmother.

  In the "magic nanny", let me most was the feeling, the nurse, who is ugly, strange to say, eccentric behavior, but his heart is perfect. That Mrs Quickly, money, hypocrisy, greed, fierce, and Mr. Brown could have married eventually be seen through true, left the reception. The same kind is maid of E, in the end, good people rewarded, with their beloved Mr. Brown married. Good will eventually rewarded.

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