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品牌文化策略英文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-8-13:  来源:毕业论文
品牌文化策略英文文献及翻译 第3页
1  Brand can promote the growth of the enterprise
In the new economical time, marketing of the biggest problems is how to establish and manage an enterprise's brand. Whoever has a strong brand, the competition will have the capital. In the future marketing is the brand name of the war . Corporate brand from unknown to develop into a famous brand's success is a small to large process, and the enterprise is the growth of the life毕业论文http://www.751com.cn corresponding brand strategy and the focus has different characteristics.
Reputation as a business and information mix, brand enterprises and their products are included in the technology, quality, function, culture, position in the market triggered the formation of information systems, enterprises and their products are identifiable symbol system. Brand, through its connotations of market information system and its response evaluation, which would affect market behavior, have the benefit of the enterprise's behavior preferences, and further distinguishes it from the tangible elements of existence, become a functioning and intangible assets, the realization of their economic value and promote the growth of enterprises. A large number of Chinese and foreign enterprises of practice has proved that the brand is promoting enterprise growth is the main driving force Brand and the contribution of enterprises with the growth of enterprises have been expanding.本文来自辣'文^论~文^网
1.1 Expanding the sale volume with Affecting customer's purchase psychology and purchase choice
Brand in the eyes of customers and products is a sign that represents product quality, characteristics, represent enterprises operating characteristics, quality management requirements. Customers through brand can be very easy to identify and access the information, Access to information means that the costs of customer acquisition cost decreased. And the customer familiar with the brand or higher brand visibility, and also allows customers to purchase coefficient decreased risk perception. These two aspects of the comprehensive role of the customers buy psychological and purchase behavior of a certain brand products Preferences, thus broadening the product sales.
1.2 Creation product attachment value with improving the cognition of the brand
Brand awareness through advertising can quickly established, but the brand awareness required enterprises to put unremitting efforts. Brand awareness is a customer of the brand through the quality of a subjective judgment to establish. Brand of customer quality and the feeling that the actual quality of product line can also be inconsistent, When customers feel right brand of product quality more than actual quality, we will be able to make value added products. Due to the feeling of quality products can enhance the value corresponding to be improved lead to products with higher profit margins, the price to rise, consumers lack of flexibility, lower prices when it is flexible, This is the reason why access to brand-name products than generic products and higher profit margins to the reason why.
1.3 Improving the competitive ability with strengthening customer’s association and loyalty to the brand
When customers on the overall brand awareness of, Enterprise customers can enhance the Lenovo brand and brand loyalty to further promote the growth of the enterprise, for example. Enterprises can take advantage of the already famous brands, customers using the Lenovo brand and successfully carried out the brand extension, expanding the product portfolio or extend product lines, introducing new products and enhance competitiveness. Once brand loyal customers they will be very difficult to affect the competitiveness of products. When the market maturity, and market share is relatively stable, Brand loyalty is to resist peer competitor to attack the most powerful weapons, brand loyalty for other enterprises to build barriers to entry. Brand loyalty developed a number of loyal customers and the stability of the market, is the direct result of the expansion of market share, so that the enterprise sales growth, reduce transaction costs, thereby enabling enterprises to obtain additional profits, so Brand can be seen as enterprises to maintain a competitive advantage powerful tool.

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