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任务型教学法在初中英语阅读的应用 第3页

更新时间:2010-8-19:  来源:毕业论文

2.1.2 Definition of Task-based language teaching
    Jane Willis (2000:41) thinks TBLT, Task-based Language Teaching, is an approach to language teaching which makes use of authentic materials in communicative tasks. These pedagogical tasks reflect real-world tasks that the learners in a given situation would complete as a part of their daily life.Pedagogical tasks act as building blocks to an ultimate objective. Thus, TBLT relies both on the learner's ability to learn analytically and on the teacher's flexibility and creativity. The learner's ability to learn analytically is necessary in completing tasks focused on meaning rather than grammatical form; the teacher's flexibility and creativity are demanded as he/she diagnoses the outcome of each task and creates new materials in response to newly revealed learner needs. TBLT is a complex approach to language teaching, but in its complexity it responds to both current SLA theory as well as the practical needs of the classroom.
    In Hong Kong's English Syllabus, TBLT is defined like this: The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language
for meaningful purposes.
    In brief, Task-based language teaching aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with both spoken and written language through learning activities. This kind of method makes the class student-centered classroom instead of the traditional teacher–centered classroom. Classes are designed to engage learners in the practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.TBLT is a communicative teaching approach which offers the students opportunities to learn and use the language by doing all kinds of things which are likely to happen in the real life.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
2.1.3 Previous research on the implementation of task-based language teaching Research on task-based language teaching abroad本文来自辣'文.论-文|网
    N.S.Prabhu is universally regarded as the pioneer of task-based approach,who carried out the famous Bangalore Communicational Teaching Project in India for around five years. His experiment intended to testify the hypothesis that the development of foreign language competence needs not the systemic language input or sufficient planned exercises, but the communicative activities in situations created by the teacher. The implementation in his experiment consisted of three stages of pre-task and task and assessment. Prabhu’s is Communicational Teaching Project a milestone in L2 teaching and has laid a solid basis for the further development of task-based language teaching.
Drawing upon the research of the predecessors, Jane Willis(1996)and Peter Skehan(1998)respectively put forward a model for achieving balanced concern for communication on the one hand, and form at a general level on the other. The two models are similar in the basic framework of pre-task, during task and post-task. Willis emphasizes a methodology for using tasks to combine naturalness of communication with opportunities to focus on form. Skehan makes a similar attempt to show how balance between form and meaning can be achieved.In addition, he tries to link the methodology more explicitly to the information-processing framework.
Willis and Skehan put tasks at the center of L2 teaching and learning, which consolidates what has been learnt and creates opportunities for learning as well. Moreover, they offer a clear, practical and ready-made framework for task-based language teacher and researches. This framework is a principled application of theory to practice, resulting from extensive trials of task-based approaches around the world.    
Regarding the methodological procedures for executing the task-based language teaching workplan in the classroom, Rod Ellis(2003)takes into consideration two basic kinds of procedures: lesson design and participatory structure. He sums up various designs proposed by Prabhu(1987),Willis(1996),Skehan(1996),and reiterates and details the functions and advantages of each phase of the framework. The participatory structure of a lesson refers to the procedures that govern how the teacher’s and students’contributions to the performance of the task are organized. A basic distinction can,according to Ellis,be made between the individual type and the social type.Ellis points out that there has been inadequate research into the fields of teacher talk,instructional conversations and peer teaching. The overall purpose of task-based methodology is to create opportunities for language learning and skill development through collaborative knowledge building.
The studies of those researchers, among others, contribute to the development of task-based approach.They offer guidance to the practice of this approach in EFL/ESLteaching and learning. Prabhu’s research is an empirical one conducted in Indian,where English is a second language due to the colonial influence.The over-all language environment there facilitated the implementation of this communicatively oriented task-based approach,as learners got plenty of opportunities to use and practice.It,however,needs to be modified and adapted when adopted in the context where English is only a foreign language,such as China.
The studies by Willis,Skehan and Ellis provide a well-founded task-based language teaching model for language teachers and learners,and they broaden the connotations of this model in terms of theory.Their methodologies are insightful and constructive for the practical implementation of the task-based language teaching model.However,their researches are only confined to idle theorizing,and the feasibility and appropriateness of their proposals need to be proved and improved through empirical studies,especially in the EFL context. Research on task-based language teaching at home
Researches on task-based language teaching have been booming since the end of the 20th century.This boom has been taken one step further with the promulgation of the New Curriculum Standards.Domestic studies deal with task-based language teaching from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.These researches,  however,are still at the beginning stage.本文来自辣'文.论-文|网
In recent years,domestic scholars and English teachers are attempting to integrate task-based language teaching into reading instruction such as Lu Li from Jinhua,Lin Lixian from Xiamen,Ma Yinghua from Beijing.Lu Li(2002)conducted a one-year task-based language teaching experiment in the junior middle school and found that experimental class made more significant progress in listening and writing than control class.Ma Yinghua(2003) analyzed the characteristics of the task-based reading instruction and made an attempt on the combination of task-based language teaching with the traditional teaching material.In her point of view,the effective integration of the task-based language-teaching model with the traditional language-focused reading model brings about the improvement of students’language comprehension ability.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
Ma’s research and exploration,together with others’,are enlightening and inspiring,supporting the implementation of task-based language teaching model in EFL reading instruction.However,their studies are only restricted to theory research or a single lesson design.For example,Lin(2002)integrated task-based language teaching model with the multimedia on a specific lesson of Senior Grade 1,which won her the first prize in the teaching competition,but the enduring effect was not verified.
   The previous studies both at home and abroad show that further studies on task-based reading instruction remain to be done and that the application of task-based language teaching model to EFL reading instruction in rural junior middle school context is still a new area.The present study is just intended to investigate the effect of task-based language teaching model on the development of rural junior middle school students’reading comprehension and the effect on the enhancement of the students’learning interest and motivation in English learning.By doing so,the author is expecting to get some substantial conclusion from the analysis,which can be …………

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