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英语演讲中的修辞手法Rhetoric Device in English Speech 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-23:  来源:毕业论文
英语演讲中的修辞手法Rhetoric Device in English Speech 第2页
摘  要
修辞存在于各种文体之中,尤其在演讲中起着极为重要的作用,是影响英语演讲成败的关键。论文从分析演讲及修辞的定义和功能出发,认真研究了主要修辞手段在英语演讲中的作用,包括明喻、暗喻、排比、头韵、重复、对偶和设问等修辞手段,旨在更好地欣赏演讲,并学习一些演讲中的语言技巧,从而对演讲进一步理解。关键词:英语演讲 ; 修辞 ; 功能
ABSTRACT Speech, a formal talk that a person presents to the audiences, to express his/her views or emotions on a specific issue, or to conduct propaganda activities so as to achieve inspiring the audience and promote its action as a information-sharing activities.
Rhetoric is one kind of important expressive device in language. It refers to interpreting abstract and complex ideas or processes through simple and concrete methods. Since rhetoric is full of imagination, it can promote the transmission and communication of emotions and ideas.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
Rhetoric exists in writings with various styles, especially, in speech. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English speech, acting as a key element for the success of a speech. The thesis, based on the respective studies of the definition of speech and rhetoric, makes a careful analysis of the use of main rhetorical devices in English speech, including simile, metaphor, parallelism, alliteration, repetition, antithesis, rhetorical question and so on, targeting at better appreciating English speech, and learn more about the language skills in speech, so as to promote the further understanding of speech.Key Words:English speech; rhetoric; function
A third purpose of making a speech is to convince people to change their attitude toward a particular subject. In your speech, try to capture their goodwill immediately. You would follow with some strong arguments for your position and elaborate on them. Then you might introduce statistics and other evidence accompanied by visual aids as you discuss your argument.
Anyone who goes to church understands the effects that speeches are capable of producing. Sermons are always given to change, or reinforce, personal lifestyle. When a man is ready to propose, he writes and rehearses the words he chooses to win the heart of a woman. People of high social status use speeches to influence others. Words are the most powerful medium on this planet and can crush or heal self-esteem. A single phrase can mean different things by adding elements like raised or lowered pitch and volume, or by emphasizing different words in the phrase. All of these are important aspects to giving a speech.

2.1 The Definition of Rhetoric
What is rhetoric? There have been many studies from scholars as the human civilization reaches this advanced and highly – developed society. Rhetoric originated in speaking. Aristotle, in the 4th Century BC, first defined rhetoric is rhetoric as the art of persuasion. He said, “Rhetoric is the counterpart of the dialects.” In Athens, the centre of western civilization, great orators, by exercising their rhetoric, gained following and support, and eventually, political power. John Locke, English philosopher of the late 17th century, described rhetoric as “the science of oratory,” or “the art of speaking with propriety, elegance and force.” This explains why the word “rhetoric” refers to “speaking” in many European languages, such as Greek, Latin, French, etc.
In present day, the meaning of rhetoric has been extended. Rhetoric assumes the following characteristics, that is, the elaborated and exaggerated language, the art of using language effectively and persuasively, the skills of using language effectively, the structure of verbal communication.
No matter for speaking or writing, rhetoric emphasizes its importance in the effective communication. American linguists Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn therefore wrote in their Modern Rhetoric, “Rhetoric is the art of using language effectively.” In the dictionary Oxford Advanced learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (6th edition) the definition for rhetoric is “the skill of using language in speech or writing in a special way that influences or entertains people.” Rhetoric is an art to use language effectively with special aims.

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