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ERP外文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-9-1:  来源:毕业论文
ERP外文文献及翻译 第3页
1. ERP definition and application of domestic
   Go international, standardized, large-scale road is the inevitable development of enterprises, and to do this, the introduction of ERP is essential. Well, what is ERP? In essence understanding of ERP information technology as the material foundation, computer software for an advanced vector management thinking of the form. Said specifically, its core idea is to customer orders or sales forecast to determine the demand for products independently, We can get the related demand, and ultimately the precise arrangements for the production plan. As market competition increasing, enterprise management system can not meet the market development, through a single link, or the level of management has been insufficient to resolve the complex management problems, Integration and systematic management has become possess the necessary management infrastructure of the enterprises generally choose. ERP and enterprise management focus on the comprehensive, systematic, attached importance to relations with the outside world, globalization operations, ERP can also enable manufacturers to lower the cost of providing our customers with more services. For these reasons, enterprises have become ERP solution to the present problem of choice.
   ERP in China has 20 years of history, until 1998, In 1999 two domestic ERP visibility is at an all-time high, all kinds of information, instead, the media also added fuel to the fire by manufacturers efforts, corporate users are very enthusiastic. These are some manufacturers have deliberately escalated suspected, but after all it is not the note ERP important person. From the statistical indicators to be released on January 2, according to incomplete statistics, 98 China's ERP market, sales reached 4.2 billion and 99 despite the Asian financial crisis, leading to delay its development pace, but there are still 800 million in sales. 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
2. ERP application of the low success rate of the reasons
   Although ERP numerous advantages and broad prospects of development. But one issue that should not be overlooked has been placed in front of us. The problem is the specific application of ERP in the success rate is very low, but the rate of succes本文来自辣"文'论-文|网sful application of the argument is 0. This may be a bit alarmist, but in the domestic ERP application of the low success rate can not be questioned, even abroad its success rate is only 20%. So in the end what are the factors leading to such an outcome? Of course the cause of this situation is many reasons.
2.1 ERP system is too complex and complicated
   ERP is an advanced Inherent in the thinking of the management system, it is difficult to Chinese enterprises and the management system of the existing match for enterprises to adapt to the ERP is obviously unrealistic. Thus, the enterprises within the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is essential. In addition, the inevitable may be a need for reorganization. in the majority of the current domestic enterprises is not a very smoothly can be achieved. Many enterprises have not been able to fully understand the nature of ERP is a business management system, but only where the information construction projects, so practical application in China is not yet fully realized industrialization, the majority of enterprises in extensive management, behind the actual situation, based on the deepening of reform and management innovation; That will not be applied to other ERP and application of modern enterprise management ideas and methods to closely integrate and complement each other mutually reinforcing.
2.2ERP System huge investment
   ERP system implementation is by no means a small investment can kill things, and the projected investment may in the process of its implementation have been stretched and invest

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