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ERP外文文献及翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-9-1:  来源:毕业论文
ERP外文文献及翻译 第4页
things are quite normal. Pure software investment is likely to millions, and the hardware investment is absolutely more than a small number. A specialized computer software and e-commerce market survey agencies of the United States, the turnover of over 500 million U.S. dollars and use ERP system are the results of the study revealed that the introduction of cost ERP system is expected to cost more than 178%. Installation time is expected to exceed 230% of the time.
2.3 ERP system is implemented over a long life cycle changes
   Enterprise's own reform, the market environment changes, and changes in the financial order. These are likely to have implemented ERP systems affected to a certain extent, it may sometimes be fatal. For instance, we all know, IT technical upgrading morning over the definition of Moore's Law, In the process of its implementation, hardware frontload the system may not be completed successfully before, it does not change the use, unfortunately not realized.
2.4 ERP systems with high technological content
   Under normal circumstances, understand and grasp the full system is not possible, only carry forward the spirit of teamwork, Enterprises next one, it might be able to obtain results, and as such it requires the management and staff. must improve our own quality, and do this is not an easy task. Senior management of the installation of this system in the course should play no role grasp. Management is the focus of attention of the enterprise's objectives and refine, and the system's technical staff is concerned procedures, both on their respective areas of expertise are not familiar with, unable to communicate.
2.5 inabilities to ensure the implementation of ERP for data accuracy and timeliness
   ERP system for the operation of basic data accuracy and timeliness of generally poor. This is because China's current low level of corporate governance, the urgent need to raise; the other hand, it fully reflected these enterprises based on data accuracy and timeliness and enhance our business management and E RP success rate of the lack of sufficient awareness. 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
2.6 Enterprise ERP application has yet to the preparations of a full understanding
   Most ERP projects demand analysis just some simple questions classification, and no comprehensive, these in-depth analysis of the causes of the root causes of the problems and to solve these problems and measures. That is to say, enterprises in which the current management is the ERP solution, which can not solve the problems of ERP, simultaneous use of other needs related management ideas and methods can understand and resolve to achieve the objective causes.
2.7 ERP software for the selection without sufficient research and demonstration
   Foreign, or domestic; Of the existing commercial software, or according to the actual situation of independent or cooperative development of tailor-made. Enterprises may not have sufficient reason to make the correct choice. Even the choice of ERP sy本文来自辣"文'论-文|网stem and the enterprises themselves very well and there is still a language such as software, installation, staff training and other issues.
 These factors are objective and correct attitude is bravely face, if indeed be on the ERP system, then they would have the right ERP all aspects of the full understanding and grasp do know, can be successfully applied for the ERP system to open a good lead.
3. Countermeasure research
For many reasons for making the ERP is not simply to spend money on the software can be bought, even more prepared to work in all aspects amply prepared mentally. The successful application of ERP systems, the ERP implementation process, it should be in the following aspects attention.
3.1 comprehensively improve the quality of human resources in enterprises

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