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旅游景点英文翻译论文 第2页

更新时间:2010-9-2:  来源:毕业论文
旅游景点英文翻译论文 第2页
试谈旅游景点翻译摘  要
越来越多的外国游客来中国观光旅游,或者中国游客到国外旅游。旅游资料成为宣传旅游景点,促进旅游业发展的重要手段。无论在中文翻译成英文,还是英文翻译成中文,然而不容忽视的是,国内旅游资料翻译质量良莠不齐,无论是在正式出版物还是非正式出版物中,各种语言和非语言错误或问题仍然随处可见。旅游资料主要包括旅游景点介绍、旅游宣传广告、旅游告示标牌、菜单等,其中尤以旅游景点介绍翻译最具旅游文体特色,也是旅游资料翻译中的重点和难点。故本文重点分析中文旅游景点介绍中译英出现的问题,以奈达的功能对等理论为理论框架,提出尝试性的解决办法。 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
本文共包括五章: 第一章,介绍了翻译的理论和旅游翻译的现状。 第二章是翻译景区的问题。 第三章,旅游景点翻译的种类。第四章,以奈达的功能对等理论为理论框架,提出尝试性的解决办法。第五章是论文的总结部分。关键词:翻译,景点翻译,广告翻译,食物翻译
On Translation of Scenic Attractions – How to Produce Attractive Effect ABSTRACT
Tourism is a booming industry which has given rise to the need attractive translation of scenic spots. The prosperous development of tourist industry not only means foreigners travel to China, but also Chinese visit abroad. When traveling around, visitors will come across many problems such as language misunderstanding or culture gaps. Translation plays a main role in people enjoying scenic attractions.
Translation of public signs in scenic spots, advertisement of tourism, and food in  places of interest is necessary in most cases. The main functions of public signs in scenic spots are: providing adequate information or arousing travelers’ interest. However, many existing translations are not satisfactory. Various problems exist. And some advertising may lose interest when translated into another language.
    This paper analyzes the features of English translation for scenic spots. As we know, the rapid development of tourism industry attracts more foreigners to China, which entails higher requirements for English interpretation in scenic spots. The aim lies in conveying cultural information, attracting foreign tourists and promoting their interest in traveling to China. Furthermore, this paper provides some possible solutions to the translation problems, which are based on Nida’ functional equivalence theory.
    There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter one introduces the assessment of translation of tourist introduction. Chapter two illustrates the problems of tourism translation. Chapter three introduces the types of scenic spot translation. And the fourth chapter is by applying Nida’ functional equivalence theory to provide some solutions. And the last chapter is the conclusion.Key words: Translation; Translation of scenic spots information; Advertisement translation; Food translation1.3 Scenic spots introduction
Scenic-spot introduction is a special kind of communication aimed at a special group of audience who know little about Chinese culture and language, so translation plays a significant role in publicizing China. Despite the increasing attention paid to this field, as evidenced by large amount of articles published in recent years. There is room for improvement of the quality of translation. Translation of public signs in scenic spots, advertisement of tourism, and food in places of interest is necessary in most cases. The main functions of public signs translation in scenic spots are: providing adequate information or arousing travelers’ interest. However, many existing translations are not satisfactory. And some advertising may lose interest when translated into another language.

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