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企业的过程绩效考核评价方法英文文献及翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-9-16:  来源:毕业论文
企业的过程绩效考核评价方法英文文献及翻译 第4页
processes is subjected to a decomposition process that progressively decomposes the process into sub-processes and activities, and decomposes the associated goals and responsibility functions into ever-more detailed prescriptions. Measurements may then be applied to activities, which in turn, may be aggregated upwards into sub-processes, and finally into the core process. Therefore, the evaluation of an enterprise or extended enterprise is on how effectively we evaluate a process and make an integrated process evaluation. In order to dynamically evaluate enterprise processes, this paper introduces some measurement models for six types of process flows during enterprise process execution including activity flow, product information flow, resource flow, cost flow, cash flow, and profit flow, and an evaluation architecture using time, cost, quality, service, efficiency, speed, and importance as seven criteria for an enterprise process evaluation. The proposed business process evaluation system has been developed as an application support tool within the process simulation and optimization environment. It is a kind of performance management method based on business process intelligence for enterprise business re-engineering and enterprise diagnosis. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses measurement models using six types of process flows; Section 3 describes the proposed evaluation methodology; Section 4 presents a case study; Section 5 concludes the paper with perspectives.
2 ABC/ABM-based measurements based on six process flows
In order to understand本文来自辣'文~论^文,网 better the measurement models, the first thing we need to do is introducing some concepts related to enterprise process engineering. The Total Cost Management (TCM) approach is based on the belief that an in-depth understanding and the continuous improvement of the business process are the driving forces behind effective management of costs. Today, Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management (ABC/ABM) is widely adopted to address these issues because they provide a better picture of the profits and costs of doing business than traditional costing methods. Business process evaluation is the foundation for business process improvement in the ABC/ABM approach. It is useful for improving performance measurement and decision support functions within the organization. In order to perform business process evaluation, an integrated enterprise process model framework should be determined first. Based on existing ABC solutions, we propose integrated capabilities in data management, analysis, cooperative control, and behavior description. In the proposed solution, which is evolved from the SADT and COSMOS model, an enterprise model architecture is proposed by referencing the CIM-OSA, it is a tri dimensional framework: the view dimension, the generality dimension, and the lifecycle dimension. In the view dimension, an enterprise can be described f毕业论文http://www.751com.cn rom five perspectives: process, infrastructure, behavior, cooperation, and information as following: where PM: process model; IM: infrastructure model; BM: behavior model; CM: cooperation model; IFM: information model. PM is the core of the enterprise model. It is a partial set of business activities with the relative resource supports, inputs, outputs, and controls. It can be described as: PM =<A; P; R; Control; Support; Input; Output> (2) where A = {a1, a2, . . ., am} is a set of activities; P = {Product1, Product2, . . ., Productj} is a set of products; R = {r1, r2, . . ., rk} is a set of resources; Control is the tangible and intangible control relationships; Support is the relationship of resources for an activity, and Support A R; Input is the relationship of input products to an activity, Input A P; Output is the relationship of output products to an activity, Output A P. Fig. 1 illustrates a schematic chart of process model. The infrastructure model, behavior model, cooperation model, information model, as well as related technological issues in the generality dimension and the lifecycle dimension such as zero time enterprise modeling and zero-time process optimization technology which have been reported previously This section focuses on the measurement models for six types of process flows.
2.1 Activity flow
Activity flow represents the execution order of activities in the enterprise process life cycle. Execution order of activities includes activities time order and the structural relationship of activities. The latter can be defined in the structure of the process model. The former can be illustrated using a Gantt chart. Activity flow embodies the parallelism among activities in enterprise processes, such as structure parallelism and run-time parallelism. Activity flow is the baseline of enterprise business processes. Other stream information can be derived from it. Activity flow analysis can be used tossup port enterprise concurrent engineering and collaborative business management.
2.2 Information flow
Here, the following two types of information flows are introduced: product information flow and data flow. Like activity flow, product information flow has two aspects. From the

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